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League Of Legends: Wild Rift — Гайд по сборке Lucian

О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Lucian’s Passive: Lightslinger. Q. Lucian’s Q: Piercing Light. W. Lucian’s W: Ardent Blaze. E. Lucian’s E: Relentless Pursuit. Если боты-хулиганы, такие как Люциан в паре с Нами или Кейтлин с Люкс, останутся актуальными в мете, ожидайте, что Элиза также будет присутствовать. Лучшие сборки, руны и порядок умений для чемпиона Люциан на основе миллионов игр, которые мы анализируем каждый день.

Lucian ARAM Build - Best Guide and Runes for Lucian on Patch 14.8

Additionally, Nami provides an exceptional kill setup with her Q and ult, bringing some crowd control to the table. A locked-down target stands very little chance when being burst down by this hard-hitting duo. Leona When talking about locking down a target, there is no way the Radiant Dawn will be left out. Offering a hard-to-beat CC chain with her E Q R combo, Leona gives Lucian plenty of time to damage a target, which he can easily follow up by getting in range with his own E. Be careful with this combo, as it is going to be very difficult to counter. Lucian has bonus movement speed if he hits a target marked by his W, and Leona is a very sticky support by herself.

Amumu This one may come as a bit of a surprise to many, but the Sad Mummy has quickly become a reliable support ever since his Q was changed. Sounds frustrating? Good, because it most definitely is. Nautilus has the most kill potential in the bot lane than any other support champion.

Итак, игра в Ap Lucian отлично! Тем не менее, Люсиан стреляет много выстрелов в течение 3 секунд своего окончательного, и каждый выстрел оснащен его AP. И это именно то, почему у Люсиана низкое масштабирование числа на его пределе. Эта способность наносит столько повреждений, что должно иметь низкие соотношения, чтобы не быть сломанным. Количество снимков, которые делает отбор, определяется вашим критическим шансом. Конечно, вы не будете строить какие -либо критические предметы на AP Lucian.

Тем не менее, базового количества снимков действительно достаточно, чтобы AP Build работала над Люцианом.

Both of their durability and damage fall behind most champions in the game. Thresh Another champion that works great with Lucian is none other than the one who imprisoned his wife. Turbo Chemtank allows Thresh to close the gap between him and an enemy champion and stop them with his Flay. Different Playstyle for Each Phase Early Game Playstyle Try to play aggressively and control the tempo of the game by making sure you hit your hooks.

Once you hook an enemy, Lucian can easily follow it up with a quick animation cancel combo that can lead to a kill or a summoner spell burn. Mid Game Playstyle Roam other lanes with Lucian given that you crash your waves properly. His passive also reduces the cooldown of his E making him dash more frequently, especially with a Navori Quickblade. His aggressive nature is not that effective anymore because enemies are not that squishy anymore. Thresh should play around with his hooks and flays to find kills and picks for Lucian.

Nautilus Another champion with a hook, this is great for Lucian because hooks are straight skillshots that hard CC enemies hit with hit. It s great for Lucian simply because his ultimate is a straight skill shot making him hit enemies easier. But the active effect of this item is really overpowered, knowing that this item also has a crowd control effect, Naut can use this to extend his CC durations even further making him chain more abilities in one engagement.

Players looking for a defensive item can build Guardian Angel orMaw of Malmortius. It allows Lucian to deal a burst of damage in a short span. Brutal is a safe option to pick as the secondary rune option, however, players with an aggressive playstyle can pick Champion instead. The remaining runes depend upon the enemy team composition and matchups. If you are against a heavy damage composition, Bone plating should be the optimal rune.

On the other hand, if you need a stronger early game and more sustainability in the laning phase, go for Adaptive Carapace instead. For the final rune, both Sweet Tooth and Pack Hunter are decent options. Piercing Light: Lucian fires a bolt of light that can pierce through the target and deals damage to everyone hit by it.

League of Legends — Гайд по герою Lucian (Люциан)

С Этим Билдом Люциан Наказывает! | ЭТО НЕ ЗАКОНТРИТЬ ГАЙД НА ЛЮЦИАНА 5:30. An ultimate guide to Lucian in Wild Rift. Wondering how to master Lucian? Our exclusive guide covers the best Runes, Build, Spells & tips for Lucian in LoL: Wild Rift. ГОРЯЧИЕ НОВОСТИ. 78K просмотров.

Lucian's Item Build

  • Wild Rift Lucian Guide with Item Builds, Runes and Summoners Spells - TECHFORNERD
  • Championname
  • League of Legends — Гайд по герою Lucian (Люциан)
  • Lucian Build - Highest Win Rate Builds, Runes, and Items
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Новости. ЛЮЦИАН И АРТИЛЛЕРИЙСКИЕ ДУЭЛИ НА НИЖНЕЙ ЛИНИИ Обзор игры мастера He гайд на Люциана Лига Легенд. Everything about playing LUCIAN for LoL Wild Rift. Build Guide Items Builds for LUCIAN: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. Lucian’s Passive: Lightslinger. Q. Lucian’s Q: Piercing Light. W. Lucian’s W: Ardent Blaze. E. Lucian’s E: Relentless Pursuit. Люциан может использовать Нескончаемую погоню во время стрельбы. Люциан ето новый герой АД керри билд стандартный как и у всех АД кери. In this League of Legends: Wild Rift Lucian guide you'll find everything you need to know about the champion, from his skills and how to allocate them to his build.

League of Legends — Гайд по герою Lucian (Люциан)

Мало того, что он наносит большой ущерб на протяжении всей игры, но и одна из самых простых способностей для достижения LOL. Итак, игра в Ap Lucian отлично! Тем не менее, Люсиан стреляет много выстрелов в течение 3 секунд своего окончательного, и каждый выстрел оснащен его AP. И это именно то, почему у Люсиана низкое масштабирование числа на его пределе. Эта способность наносит столько повреждений, что должно иметь низкие соотношения, чтобы не быть сломанным.

Количество снимков, которые делает отбор, определяется вашим критическим шансом. Конечно, вы не будете строить какие -либо критические предметы на AP Lucian.

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Thresh has a lot of tools to outplay his opponents, starting with his Q. Lucian requires crowd control to fully channel his ultimate, so Thresh can help a lot with both his E and R. The lantern is another element that this duo has.

Lucian can go deep into enemy territory or dive on turrets because Thresh can simply throw his lantern and secure an exit for him. On the other hand, Thresh can also go deep and pull Lucian to him whenever he has an enemy locked. We highly recommend roaming and invading whenever you play Lucian and Thresh since they have enough damage and CC to overpower anyone on the Rift.

Additionally, Nami provides an exceptional kill setup with her Q and ult, bringing some crowd control to the table. A locked-down target stands very little chance when being burst down by this hard-hitting duo. Leona When talking about locking down a target, there is no way the Radiant Dawn will be left out.

Offering a hard-to-beat CC chain with her E Q R combo, Leona gives Lucian plenty of time to damage a target, which he can easily follow up by getting in range with his own E.

Just like Thresh, it is better to hit your hook if the enemy is immobilized so you can use this item to rush towards the enemy ADC and rocket punch him before hooking him if he uses his flash to getaway. If your Lucian is level 3 A hook is basically lethal and can be used to focus enemies that are squishy. Keep doing this and focus your hooks on crucial members of the enemy team. If you are fighting over a dragon or any objective, your hook should be focused on the enemy jungler so you take down their ability to smite an objective. Be careful though because if you hook a fed jungler or a champion with high stats and KDA, you are just risking the lives of your entire team. Just try to analyze each situation and you should know which champion to hook so that it greatly benefits Lucian and your team. Yuumi A champion that increases most of your stats and even your movement speed is a champion that works really great on mobile champions.

Yuumi has a very strong heal and enchant and her ultimate is also the best ability to help Lucian hit his enemies with his ultimate. Best Item For Yuumi Ardent Censer Ardent gives Lucian bonus magic damage which is great knowing as how most of his damage come from his second shot passive. If he can proc the bonus magic damage effects of Ardent he would be able to take enemies down faster. Different Playstyle for Each Phase Early Game Playstyle Keep poking enemies with your Q but do not do it so frequently that you lose all of your mana before reaching level 3. Only do so if you are planning on deleting all of their laning pots and if you are planning to go on an all-in early game exchange with Lucian and your Jungler.

Best Runes for Lucian

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  • Lucian Build
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