Новости фанфики леон кеннеди и ожп

Cleon is the het ship between Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil fandom. Leon S. Kennedy/Chris Redfield. Leon Kennedy.".

Леонов ожп

Are you okay? His chest is bursting with a love that feels too real to be mere imagination. He never wants to let go. They say things get worse before they better, but in this case, they get so bad Leon doubts there could be any improvement. He ventures lower underground, in pursuit of Annette and the G-Virus. Twisting around, he gets a short glimpse of Annette before the bridge collapses and the G-Virus sample tumbles down to the depths below, but Leon grabs Ada before she can fall too. Attempts to pull her up put stress on the already unstable bridge and it sinks to an even sharper angle, and he spits out a curse of frustration. He had to let go of you and leave you behind once he returned to consciousness, and it had hurt more than it should have. And her wrist slides out of his grip, and she disappears in the darkness. The self-destruct sequence has begun. You catch sight of him, and not letting yourself become distracted at finding someone else still alive in here, you call out The exit is up ahead!

Leon forces himself to look away and help take down the remainder of the zombies blocking the path. Past the exit door, the lights of a train begin flashing on the walls, and at the first opening, you sprint through, Leon following close behind. Then he holds a hand out to you, stretching as far as he can. Come on! With a lunge, you thrust your arm out to grab onto his hand, and he pulls you up with the last bit of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Both of you collapse against the train car, breathing hard. As though you can feel him staring, which you most probably do, you look over at him and meet his eyes. He never wants you to stop looking at him like that.

You were silent for some time as you just lightly swayed on the swing before you came up with a rather silly idea to atleast try make him laugh. Tapping his shoulder he stiffed but stopped focusing on his hands turning to you. You smile and motion for his hand which he hesitantly takes growing wary of you. You began to push your swing forward and back gaining a little sway and he just sighed knowing your exact plan. Laughter and yells of excitement could be heard by anyone passing by two fully grown and emotionally hardened beings just enjoying the night. It was the first time in the past few weeks you saw him enjoy himself. So you tried again with super glue this time which seemed to work. You being there for him seemed to have helped him get back on his feet he seemed to be coping alot better with what was going on around him growing more and more stable by the day and finally he made the decision to move away from his mother once more but only if you came with him so naturally you did so following him in his journey. Your comforts and support however had slowly began to break the barrier of friendship and he slowly grew too love you much to your dismay. When you moved out together you grew closer emotionally and you found yourself just sharing kisses and other such things and finally it advanced to dates all while in the back of your mind you knew of your guilt driven passions to keep him happy that tainted your actual love for him. Month passed before he considered it an finally he was out looking for a place in the force which he had found not too long after. Life seemed to be coming up roses for the both of you but then a bad day had set him off.

Читать онлайн Купить книгу Проснуться и осознать, что ты персонаж компьютерной игры про кровожадных зомби? Что может быть лучше в качестве первого дня на работе для выпускника полицейской академии? Только обнаружить, что ты укушен и смертельный вирус уже струится в твоей крови. И Леону Скотту Кеннеди придется как-то с этим жить, ведь впереди — город, умирающий от страшной эпидемии и в нем еще остались люди которым можно помочь. На нашем литературном сайте rukniga.

Причем, один из них был неполный, с детальками другого масштаба, но почему-то все равно идеально подходящими к другому И когда процесс в конце концов завершился, я пришел в себя. Окружающая действительность встретила меня звуком работающего двигателя, запахом автомобильной вонючки и затекшим лицом, лежащим на руле. Я с трудом поднял голову, осматриваясь вокруг мутным взглядом, и сразу же убедился в том, что на свет мне смотреть пока не стоит. Даже направленный в противоположную сторону от меня свет фар сильно ударил по глазам, отчего те заслезились и зачесались, привнося в палитру и без того не райских ощущений новые цвета. Понятно только одно: я жив и относительно в порядке, но вот что именно со мной произошло — загадка. Помню, как ехал в Раккун-Сити, чтобы уже завтра заступить на первую смену в полицейском департаменте, а потом… то, что было потом, похоже на начало дешевого ужастика. Я увидел девушку, бредущую посреди дороги, всю грязную, в ободранной одежде, покрытой кровью.

«Не тот Леон Кеннеди» Gheist

Big dumbass. He reminds you of this often He is super encouraging and always says nice things. He just wants to keep you safe from all the shit he sees In public, he usually holds your hand. His life is crazy and having alone, quiet time with you is so sweet Taking him to a small, quiet coffee shop?

Нечестно, вы так не считаете? Но ничего, теперь эта несправедливость будет исправлена.

Тошнота, головокружение, резкое поднятие температуры… - эти симптомы не оставляют меня уже который год. И вновь я осознаю, что это опять был сон. Сон — воспоминание, который не оставляет меня уже который год.

С того момента прошло уже больше пяти лет, а всё никак не могу забыть тот день.

She brings up Ada and he just rolls with it. Ada is only three years older than Leon and Jill is a year younger than Chris. After that, he was forced to kill all of his men who were already zombified. Such a tragic event led him into a depression, and he found himself at the bottom of a bottle later on. Even though killing them was the right thing to do, it was still such a tragic event to cope. Why does Leon Kennedy drink?

Who is Leon shipped with? Both being survivors of the outbreak, Leon and Claire formed a bond with each other that has lasted. Many Resident Evil duos flirt a lot, and there are typically hints of a romantic interest between them. However, Capcom rarely confirms their relationship status.

you & i ; leon kennedy / reader

Leon Kennedy x Reader Headcanons Requested: noWarnings: slight cursing, mention of drinking and bring drunk, nothing worse than the game itselfI see that our boy Leon needs some more love. My name is Leon Kennedy, I am a college student and most of the time I have to study. AU: никаких вирусов нет, Леон полицейский, героям 21 год. Судя по предпоследнему фрейму Леон из этого комикса в кои то веки понял ее намек!

Leon Kennedy, Comics

e No one talks about leon being a whole snacc in re6. Помимо стоимости будет построено образцовое русло на 200 учащихся, железнодорожная панорама, халяль минобороны, запасы с халяль шерстью, крис леонг биография леон костоправ. Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield.

Leon Kennedy, Comics

Любовь Кеннеди от старшего инспектора Леона Кеннеди. Фандом: Гарри Поттер, Resident Evil, Обитель Зла Фанфик "Рождественский бал." от Рингиллиан Эрде Пейринги: Жанры: AU, Ангст, Детектив, Драма, Психология Объем произведения: Мини. Ада резидент Леон Кеннеди. Ada Wong and Leon Kennedy. scene leon kennedy + ashley graham! click on link for oroginal artist’s post. Игра напоминает типичные игры-тесты, где игроки отвечают на ряд вопросов и получают результат в виде персонажа, подходящего под их предпочтения. Фанфик Зуко ОЖП аватар.

Ди и ожп фанфики - фото сборник

Leon Kennedy Fluff Headcanons Request: saw your requests were open what about some recent leon (damnation, re6, vendetta)? maybe a little hc about the reader doing something nice for him, a little. Случайный факт о Леоне: у него фамилия, как у президента. Леон Скотт Кеннеди, именно так. Леон Кеннеди, 27 лет, федеральный агент Дивизиона операций безопасности (Д.О.Б.). Леон импульсивен, когда его разозлили, и у него проблемы с доверием, часто он очень злится, когда его не слушают. новый контент будет так же часто, как у леона бывает полнооценный отпуск. Это фф на игру Бравл Старс о Леоне и Сенди. Я начинающий писатель, не судите строго.

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