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Еще и к сегодняшней новости, что Эппл тестирует возможность отключения телефонов в зависимости от региона нахождения. Welcome to the official Apple YouTube channel. Here you’ll find news about product launches, tutorials, and other great content. Apple revolutionized persona.

Главное за 26 апреля.

  • Understanding Apple Mail Privacy Protection and Open Events
  • Как в приложении Почта (Mail) отключить уведомления о новых сообщениях в почтовых ветках
  • So what’s all this fuss about?
  • Push-уведомления сегодня

Will Apple Mail threaten the newsletter boom?

The latest upgrades for Apple Mail, however, are designed to guard against these kinds of scenarios, helping users to stay on top of their communications and correct any silly errors before the damage is done. More from WWDC 2022.

На сегодняшний день она может предоставить больше данных о конкретном человеке, чем разведка по закрытым базам спецслужб. Ru» рассказал директор компании «Интернет-розыск» Игорь Бедеров. Заявленный спрос со стороны нерезидентов перекрыл предложение российских инвесторов. Слабые показатели инвестиций в недвижимость привели к отрицательному результату в целом. Ru Китай связали с полномасштабной атакой на пользователей iPhone 18 апреляГазета.

But, opens were never totally accurate and thus not an ideal metric to evaluate email performance on. Smart marketers will shift their focus to click rate and site visit recency to measure who is engaged. And newer metrics like inbox placement will become powerful tools to understand delivery. This change will not affect all of your contacts - rather, just the ones that are using Apple Mail. What is Kajabi doing in response to these changes from Apple? This will allow Kajabi Heroes to segment contacts that have clicked an email within the last 90 days. What can Kajabi Heroes do in response to the changes from Apple? You may want to start analyzing your email performance now and reframe it in a way where you move away from email open rate as your most important metric.

Узнайте, какой способ вам больше подходит. Настройка учетной записи Информация в iCloud не синхронизируется В этой статье рассказывается о том, что делать, если вам требуется помощь.

Apple Mail modernizes with several new features in macOS Ventura and iOS 16

Apple представила новый метод под названием MailKit API для создания расширений Mail в macOS Monterey, но он поставляется с определенными ограничениями по сравнению с традиционными плагинами. Разработчики AltStore, например, активно работают над новым методом аутентификации, чтобы адаптироваться к изменениям.

There are 706,893,562 articles in our news database. Users may set up custom email newsletters and RSS feeds or search among thousands of preset news sections. As a member, you may also submit your own news using the EIN Presswire distribution service.

For these users, opens are never tracked — even when the user is consistently opening emails. On top of that, email providers have already been pre-loading email images. So marketers are panicking for no reason? Not exactly. Apple Mail dominates a large portion of the email market.

With their update, open rates become completely inaccurate for this large percentage 49. While open rates have always been slightly inaccurate, now they may be drastically wrong. Which creates some issues for email marketers. Then, they could send those disengaged subscribers a re-engagement email campaign. What else is impacted besides open rates? Most experienced email marketers agree businesses spend too much time worrying about open rates. They are not the most important email marketing metric. Most worry only about the death of the open rate. But this update actually impacts quite a few other things as well: Click-to-open rate.

Click-to-open rate is the percentage of people who clicked a link within an email after opening it. Forward tracking. Send time optimization. Some email platforms offer send time optimization STO. STO will track when a subscriber typically opens emails and send future emails at the times the subscriber is historically most likely to open. That is, until email platforms base STO on something other than open time. Device type. This way, you can still track needed location information — like if someone is in Europe and under the protection of the GDPR, for example. Live email content.

Live email content — like countdown timers — load when an email is opened and images are loaded not when an email is sent.

Новая кнопка. Она будет работать так же, как кнопка «Домой» у старых версий iPhone, или как трекпад. Новые чипы. Ожидается, что они будут переработаны с нуля, давая больший прирост производительности. Функции ИИ. Все они, скорее всего, будут доступны в самом устройстве, а не в «Облаке». Новый материал для OLED-дисплея. Он будет таким же, как у Samsung S24. Эти дисплеи яркие, но при этом потребляют значительно меньше энергии.

Поддержка приложения «Почта»

Клиент «ВКонтакте», «Почта » и другие сервисы доступны для пользователей iOS без каких-либо ограничений. 29 марта стало известно, что бывший технический руководитель Apple Mail Терри Бланчард покидает Apple, но он по-прежнему будет заниматься развитием почтовых приложений. Пекин потребовал от Apple Inc. удалить ряд популярных мессенджеров из китайского магазина приложений, сообщает газета The Wall Street Journal. Apple Mail modernizes with several new features in macOS Ventura and iOS 16.

These four new Apple Mail features could save your skin at work one day

В начале марта Apple разослала авторизованным сервисным центрам письмо, в котором говорится, что в РФ прекращается обслуживание iPad и Mac. На тот момент сразу три крупных сервисных центра в разных городах заявили, что продолжают ремонтировать iPad и Mac.

Публичная бета-версия Sonoma ожидается в июле, а официальный релиз запланирован на осень.

OS X Yosemite 10. OS X El Capitan 10. The conversation display was also redesigned and various disk space saving optimizations were implemented.

Streaming notification support for Exchange accounts was also added. The Mail app icon was changed to be more consistent with the iOS version, depicting a white envelope on a blue background, albeit with a more "3D" look that has the text "Apple Park California 95014" subtly etched on the envelope. Mail now also supports interactive notifications and integrates with the Reminders app to let Siri suggest possible reminders based on who you are emailing. Search has been improved by using synonyms for search terms and automatically correcting typos. It also shows shared content and previous search terms when invoked.

When you recycle an iPhone, even the smallest pieces have a big role to play. Battery: Using a mass balance allocation, 56 percent of all cobalt and 24 percent of all lithium shipped in Apple batteries in 2023 came from recycled sources. Speaker: Made with recycled rare-earth elements.

Приложение Apple Mail получит функции iOS 16

Apple Watch SE (2-го поколения). Ранее «Свободная пресса» писала, что пользователи устройств Apple в России стали массово жаловаться на работу магазина App Store, а также некоторых других сервисов и интернет. Apple предупредила пользователей из 92 стран об угрозе взлома Apple убрала из предупреждения о возможном взломе iPhone с использованием шпионского ПО слова. Прорыв произошел в нулевых годах, когда Apple выпустила плеер iPod, а затем первый смартфон iPhone.

Understanding Apple Mail Privacy Protection and Open Events

What is Apple Mail? In fact, Apple iPhone and Apple Mail take up a whopping 50. At the same time, we spend all our time and energy helping customers deliver valuable emails to their subscribers. We will continue to do that and adapt. So how many users opted in for MPP? So you can bet that similar numbers apply to the Mail Privacy Protection option. Based on MailerLite data, open rates across the email marketing industry have been steadily increasing as Apple users update to the new version of iOS. Source: MailerLite Which email marketing features are affected?

Open rate metrics Open rate metrics are no longer reliable for email lists with subscribers using Apple Mail. Because Apple Mail returns an open when it pre-loads email content, open rates appear increased. There are metrics you can still use, such as click-through rate CTR and others that will be mentioned below. The test might receive a large number of unconfirmed opens, which will skew the results. For more accurate testing, use click rate as your metric for success. While targeting based on behavior is more difficult, you can ask subscribers for data in signup forms and surveys that can be used for targeting. Because email content is pre-loaded and cached, the countdown timer version that is served up to the subscriber might show the time remaining from when the email was originally downloaded onto the device.

Not from when the person opened the email. Automation triggers Automations based on opens need to be rethought and adjusted. Campaigns such as lead-nurturing , auto resend , re-engagement , and send time optimized will be affected as open rates are no longer reliable. To combat this, marketers should change the way their campaigns behave, such as triggering emails with time-based rules or clicks instead of opens.

This is for ease of use - most of the other buttons you need to click are at the top, too!

Open up Mailbutler to see all the UI changes for your yourself. November 2022 product release update Autumn is here, and Mailbutler is back with another product release! On the 8th November 2022 we will start rolling out all updates. The Mailbutler button A small but important change for everyone to know: the Mailbutler Sidebar button now looks different. In Apple Mail, rather than the Mailbutler M, the button now looks thus highlighted by a red circle : Bear in mind: Some of you may not get this change until the next release in December.

Updates to filters Our next change for this release is a big update to our filtering system in Mailbutler Dashboard. This is where you can choose which items you see in the list of, for example, tasks in the Dashboard. Previously, there were two options - filtering and sorting. These have now been combined into one tab for ease of access. Other filters have been shifted based on how often our members were using them.

After you select the item, the dot will disappear. And finally, all your filters will remain open if you close the Mailbutler Dashboard or Sidebar - but if you close your inbox, they will reset. We have renamed our feature Smart Send Later to reflect the fact that we offer a wealth of features which Apple Mail lacks. While you still have a dedicated Mailbutler Smart Send Later button, you can also access our feature through the Apple Mail schedule email drop down. Small change to Collaborators and Contacts Last release, we made some changes to our Collaborators feature, previously called Teams.

Moreover, we have added a handy button to share a whole contact in one go, whereas before you could only share individual pieces of information from a Mailbutler Contact. If you have any questions to this or any other release, or any suggestions for improvements we could make in the future, please message our Support Team at support mailbutler. September 2022 product release update Our September release will start to be rolled out on the 27th September 2022. In the same place you do this, you set your working hours, and you can set specific features to only work during your working hours. Now, Send Later brings you even more functionality that will help you stay professional!

It might not seem that professional to your recipient - or worse, your email might get lost in the barrage of emails which inevitably arrive in inboxes over the course of the next day. This means you always send your email at a time when your recipient will be working, helping you to stay professional and give you the best chance of getting your message read. Scheduled email cancellation upon receipt of email Another confusing name for a simple piece of functionality that we hope will greatly improve your email communication. What this feature does is cancel a scheduled email if you receive an email from your recipient. Say you schedule a message to Tom to talk about the upcoming presentation.

It goes out in two hours from now. Rather than you having to manually head to your scheduled folder and cancel an email, Mailbutler recognizes Tom has messaged you and cancels the message for you. This means you can always reschedule the message if you want to. The use of this is that if you schedule an email to multiple recipients, and just one of them sends you a message, your message will be unscheduled for all of your recipients. The message being saved means you can then reschedule the email to the recipients who still need to receive it.

Notifications Aside from these two bigger changes, Mailbutler can now send you push notifications detailing the status of your scheduled message. Keep on top of all your communication with Mailbutler! A new widget Finally, the implementation of a new Send Later widget. This is a small box which fits right into the Mailbutler Sidebar and will give you a quick overview of all your scheduled emails, including details on if they were delivered or cancelled by any automations. This helps to keep you on top of all of your messages, all in one place right underneath your activity feed.

On top of this, all the widgets in your Sidebar can be minimized, improving your Mailbutler experience.

We made those changes based on the data at a scale we were able to collect of how people were interacting with the newsletter — because their actions, and actions not taken, speak directly to their likes and dislikes. When we, as marketers, content creators, and storytellers lose that visibility, we also lose out on critical insights on whether or not our audience, as a whole, is getting what they wanted out of it. At first, you have a lot of subscribers. However, there are two key issues with that approach: Your response rate to an optional feedback survey will always be much, much smaller than the data you can collect from actions taken by an audience going through the course of their day-to-day activities. That data also may not be reliable or accurate.

People will often report they want something to be a certain way, but their actions will show the opposite desires to be true.

The impact will vary based on your audience. The mail client is the key thing to remember, regardless if the email is opened on an Apple device like an iPhone, iPad, iMac, or Macbook. Examples: If a recipient is using a gmail email but has it connected to Apple Mail, and opted in for privacy, the open metric is impacted. If a recipient uses an iCloud email address, such as the me.

It will not be possible for email marketing providers to distinguish between real and false positive opens. But, opens were never totally accurate and thus not an ideal metric to evaluate email performance on. Smart marketers will shift their focus to click rate and site visit recency to measure who is engaged. And newer metrics like inbox placement will become powerful tools to understand delivery.

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Apple Mail Now Blocks Email Tracking. Here’s What It Means for You

Почта — крупнейшая бесплатная почта, быстрый и удобный интерфейс, неограниченный объем ящика, надежная защита от спама и вирусов. Согласно опросу Mailgun для отчёта об e-mail вовлечённости, только 13% пользователей используют клиент Apple Mail для чтения писем. В мобильной операционной системе iOS используется модифицированная версия Apple Mail, которая адаптирована под multitouch-управление и поддерживает технологию push-mail. This fall, with iOS 15, Apple Mail users will be able to opt-out of tracking with your email marketing. Welcome to the official Apple YouTube channel. Here you’ll find news about product launches, tutorials, and other great content. Apple revolutionized persona.

Get to Inbox Zero This Year

Требование об их удалении из App Store сокращает количество сервисов, с помощью которых интернет-пользователи могут общаться с теми, кто находится за пределами страны, и является еще одним шагом по ужесточению контроля над интернетом в КНР, отмечает WSJ. В общей сложности приложения Facebook и Instagram деятельность обоих на территории России запрещена , X, YouTube и WhatsApp были скачаны более 170 млн раз из App Store в Китае за последнее десятилетие, свидетельствуют оценки аналитической компании Sensor Tower. Apple, возможно, будет вынуждена удалить гораздо больше приложений из App Store в ближайшем будущем, учитывая, что в прошлом году Пекин обязал всех разработчиков зарегистрировать мобильные приложения в стране к марту 2024 года.

He previously covered the industry for Ad Age. The Markup, too, has used reader surveys to build a picture of its user base. For ad-based newsletters, then, Mail Privacy Protection is likely to spur publishers to find other ways to understand their audiences. But what about paid newsletters, like this one? Writers can triangulate reader engagement by plenty of metrics that are still available to them, including the views their stories get on the web, the overall growth of their mailing list, and — most meaningful of all — the growth of their revenue.

But in this case, it mostly strikes me as a false alarm. There are any number of changes that major email providers including Apple, Google, and Microsoft could make that would make life more difficult for newsletter-based businesses. Taken together, the numerous iOS 15 features focused on user privacy combine to place more pressure on the digital ad ecosystem. Marketing emails not working as well as they used to? And what of creators who want to move away from the ad model?

Teams have now been removed - you simply share whatever you want with each Mailbutler user separately.

This means you have a list of everyone you have added as a Mailbutler collaborator, and you can share with them anything they have on their plan. Which leads to the next big change: anything a Mailbutler user can create on their plan - basic or extended signatures, tasks for emails or tasks for contacts - can be shared and seen by that user. This means you can share some new things with other Mailbutler users who are on a lower or higher plan than you. Attachment Reminder is being replaced Attachment Reminder has always been one of our more basic features. Because of this, email clients have started offering it by default. The most recent addition to this is the 2022 release of Mac Ventura, which offers its own attachment reminder feature.

Replacing this feature allows us to focus our capacity on our smart features, such as big updates to Send Later, and Teams of which more below. We want to focus on these features because they are the things we offer nobody else does, and if we spend more time on them, we can make Mailbutler even better for you! For Gmail users, it will be after you update your version of Mailbutler. All that being said, we listen to our customers and make our changes based on their - that is to say, your! So if you have any ideas on how we could improve Attachment Reminder and make it a worthwhile feature to keep in our product, or if you have any other thoughts or suggestions, please message our Support Team at support mailbutler. Stay tuned for more updates in the future.

August 2022 product release update August is a huge month for Mailbutler. An update to Follow-up Reminders With the latest update to Mailbutler, follow-up reminders have been combined with tasks. Now, follow-up reminders have been renamed follow-up tasks. This brings up the QuickTasks option, where you can not only find follow-up tasks, but also your most used task and your most recently used task. See the image below for clarification: You can still manually set a task by either clicking on new task or simply clicking the larger task button in the Sidebar. Bear in mind that nothing has really changed: you can still do everything you used to be able to do with tasks and follow-up reminders, they are simply now all in the same place.

Your follow-up reminders will also be migrated to your list of tasks, so you can see them all together. Task automations You may have noticed there is a new button next to the tasks - a small lightning bolt. This is an exciting new feature we have implemented which allows you to automate all of your tasks. On top of this, you can also choose to have a follow-up task automatically added on every email you send, so you never forget to follow up. The two images below may make this clearer: We hope that the update to tasks and follow-up reminders will streamline your work process, make it easier to find and use our features, and give you more control over your to-dos. Aside from this, there are a few smaller changes which ultimately should streamline your Mailbutler experience.

Not the clearest of terms, for sure: in a nutshell, it means being able to see precisely who has opened your email when you send a message to multiple recipients. For example, say you send an email to William, Jacob, Emily and Sarah: most email programs will only tell you once your email has been opened, but Mailbutler can now tell you specifically when Jacob opens your message. Pretty neat, huh? For information on finding out if Per-Recipient Tracking will work for you, head to our Support Center article on the subject. Time presets return One of the things which we changed in our last release in May was the time presets for Tasks, Follow-up Reminders, Snooze and Send Later. Custom time presets are disabled by default, so make sure to enable them if you want to use them.

After multiple surveys and analyses we found out that almost nobody was using the statistical insights into their email templates and email signatures. So, we removed them! Now this functionality is also available for Send Later! This helps you to only work and send emails during your normal working hours. The Mailbutler Contacts feature does this by automatically showing a summary of contact details based on the information it gets from an email. However, it was only able to do this English.

Сейчас разберемся, почему такая проблема возникла и какими способами можно её решить. Почему почта Mail. Если вы по каким-то причинам пропустили уведомление, заметите сбои в работе клиентов на разных платформах.

Разработчики объясняют такое новшество новыми стандартами безопасности пользовательских данных. Отдельный пароль для всех используемых приложений должен минимизировать риск взлома почты через используемые протоколы передачи данных. Рекомендуется произвести все необходимые настройки, чтобы продолжить получать и отправлять письма на всех своих компьютерах, смартфонах и планшетах.

Как восстановить работоспособность почты Mail.

Yahoo Finance

Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) that hides users' IP addresses, location, and how it imapcts your email open rate. Welcome to the official Apple YouTube channel. Here you’ll find news about product launches, tutorials, and other great content. Apple revolutionized persona. Your Mail With You, Spark Mail + AI: Email Inbox, and many more on Mac App Store. But according to Apple, the new Mail features will be worth the wait, combining with the various other announcements coming out of WWDC to make working on Mac devices more hassle-free than ever. We have collated a list the best Apple mail extensions for you that are lightweight and are sure to increase your productivity while using the mail app. Apple Mail modernizes with several new features in macOS Ventura and iOS 16.

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