Новости фанфики леон кеннеди и ожп

Леон Кеннеди, 27 лет, федеральный агент Дивизиона операций безопасности (Д.О.Б.). Леон импульсивен, когда его разозлили, и у него проблемы с доверием, часто он очень злится, когда его не слушают. #ghostdogwrites #leon kennedy x reader #leon kennedy x you #leon kennedy fluff. Ада Вонг и Леон Кеннеди любовь фанфики.

Resident Evil | Never alone again [Leon Kennedy/Claire Redfield]

Леон Скотт Кеннеди. When you’re once again not by his side in bed, Leon takes it upon himself to help you get the sleep you deserve. Leon got the message and rested a hand on her shoulder reassuringly to give her some sort of comfort. Сюжет по большей части оригинальный(из-за гг) с каноничными моментами(как же без них).

Leon Kennedy getting fucked in every way (Resident Evil)

Каждый найдет здесь именно то, что подарит массу приятных моментов. Club Наша онлайн библиотека Rukniga. Club создана с целью предоставления доступа к обширной коллекции книг на русском языке. Мы предлагаем разнообразие литературы, включая классические и современные произведения, а также книги на множество тематик. Мы разработали удобный интерфейс для облегчения и упрощения процесса чтения, который можно использовать на различных устройствах, таких как компьютеры, планшеты и смартфоны.

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Claire impulsively jumps to save her, even though she is unarmed.

Leon sees her do this and tries to shoot the enemies, but a zombie jumps on him, pinning him to the ground. After a few seconds of tension and indecision on how to help her while dealing with his own danger, Leon ends up throwing his weapon to Claire which she catches with good reflex and kills all the zombies around her. When all enemies are defeated, Leon looks worried for her, though Claire has her full attention to Rani. They share a look for a few moments before Rani comes to hug Claire and Claire gives the gun back to the Leon with a smile. In a safe place, outside of the airport, Rani is crying for not reuniting with her aunt outside the quarantine and the senator makes a comment about not standing kids, to which makes Claire furious enough to slap him in the face, blaming him for the trauma Rani went through that night. Leon watches everything quietly while she goes to comfort the young girl. After being vaccinated, Claire is taken by surprise to discover that WilPharma was responsible for producing the vaccine to control the recent infection, though Leon confirms the collaboration between the government and the company to prevent further outbreaks. The senator and the head researcher Frederic Downing , blame her and the protests of Terra-Save for having slowed the process of approving the use of the medicament, which facilitated the death of agents in this rescue mission.

Claire isolates herself in one of the medical tents, feeling guilty Terra-Save made things worse and Leon goes after her to remind her the real villains were the one who created, and now the one who used, the virus. Their lives changed forever because of Umbrella and promising her he would wipe out this virus from the face of the earth. Leon soothes her by saying she was not wrong in choosing the path to be a rescuer - something he could not be. Claire is touched and thanks him for his support. While Leon goes to investigate a suspect with another agent, Downing invites Claire to the WilPharma base in the city, as a peace offering. During the tour she learns they had bought the G-virus on the black market to make a vaccine and that the senator was one of those responsible for the decision to exterminate Raccoon City back in 1998. Claire decides to call Leon to alert him, unfortunately the conversation is interrupted when a bomb explodes in the building, leaving Claire unconscious and Leon is uneasily when the call is abruptly cut. Leon wanders through the quiet halls of what remains of the ruined building until he finds Claire hobbling.

When he realizes she has a serious leg injury, he hurries to try to carry her out. Claire interrupts him by warning about the enemy and making him focus on the biohazard situation that was about to happen. Leon supports Claire while they walk, when they take an elevator and Leon kills all the zombies when the doors open. Before taking separate paths, Leon asks Claire to try not to get killed and she winks at him wishing him the same as the elevator doors close again. He clicks a button, shaking his head with a sigh. Instead of going to the exit, Claire manages to go to the center control room, and helps Leon remotely in the final battle and discovers the fight was being recorded. Learning Downing was the one responsible, manipulating everyone and using the recordings to sell the virus and vaccine to the terrorists, Leon and Claire surprise him at the meeting point pretending to be the contact while he waits to escape. In the morning, after everything has been resolved and they are getting ready to go, Leon asks if Claire wants a helicopter ride, though she refuses saying she already has a car waiting for her - with Rani and her aunt.

Leon says he hopes the next time they meet it will be in some place a little more normal, which Claire definitely agrees. They say goodbye, and Leon goes to the helicopter and Claire watches him leave with a soft smile, before then going on her own way. In 2006, Claire is on location at the White House, wanting to speak with Press Secretary Spacer, unaware he was killed the previous night in an attack on White House grounds. She meets Leon there who is on his own assignment, looking for hackers who stole classified files. The two meet as Leon passes her by, she recognizes him, calling out his name, causing him to turn back around. Upon seeing it is Claire, he stops and asks what she is doing there. Leon questions this, with Claire claiming the US wants a military presences there. As she has his attention, she asks Leon if he could look at a drawing done by a child that depicts a zombie outbreak that had occurred six years prior in 2000.

Claire notes it looks a lot like the Raccoon City incident that they both survived back in 1998. Leon does not comment on the drawing as he hears his fellow agent Jason , about getting back on schedule. Leon turns to leave Claire, not before telling her not to do anything stupid, while giving her a warm smile. As Leon departs, Claire is left standing alone, bewildered. Just before Leon leaves completely, Claire calls out to him one last time, commenting how his fancy outfit does not suit him, leading to Leon laughing a little. Leon and Claire meet again undisclosed amount of time later in an underground bioweapon facility. Claire has been abducted under the orders of Secretary of Defense Wilson, while Leon, now partnered with agent Shenmei head for the same facility. Claire sees Leon first, calling out his name, however he does not hear her and she is unable to move due do her restraints binding her to a chair.

If he was disappointed in himself for losing again, it soon melted away by the feel of your torso pressing up against his heaving lungs. He jumps even more when your skin lands… softly? All that exists is the soft push of your nose against his fluttering shut eyelid. The warm puff of breath as you sigh against the shell of his ear.

The light scrape of the bark against his back as he shivers. The sound of his own heart, his blood scorching through his veins and convulsing against the sharp cage of his ribs. He was still too afraid to touch you. Too afraid of the fire burning through his fingertips again.

But before he could muster up the courage you had pulled away, and the moment faded into a jaded dream that he nestled safely in the back of his memories. He hounds after you like a coveting beast: he stays tied to your hip like a disruptive dog harnessed on a leash. Your favourite activity is sneaking out of your dorms after hours and running down to meet by the riverbed: feet sprinting across the cream petals and sharp pine needles to collapse next to one another among the buzz of the fireflies nestling above the woven grass. Nothing but the sound of your extolled voice as you point up at the bursts of sparks and swirls of silver against the darkness, enrapturing Zoro as you chart out the dips of your favourite constellations.

The reflection of the skies you had spent your younger years on the seas watching with wonder fill your eyes with a wonderous light, the delight drawing your attention away and allowing Zoro the opportunity to docilely turn his head to face you instead. Wishing, as his hand clawed at his thigh and dug in deep enough to leave bruises, that he could just reach out and touch you. He jumps when you click your fingers in front of his crossing eyes. He snorted.

Who said I wanted to come. An overwhelming surge of fondness? His fingers itch across the grass. His whole body squirms, the heat rolling through his body making the perspiration bead on his forehead, but still he keeps going.

Growing self-restraint be damned, as soon as you recover from the shock and shyly place your hand back down by your side, he pounces. Initially, the squeeze of his fingers as they wrap around your cool palm almost breaks bone, but all you do is rub your thumb over the edge of his knuckles. You know its his way of telling you he loves you, even if he is too young and stubborn and proud to say it. You both knew that one day you would leave him for the stars.

фанфики леон кеннеди и ты (120) фото

Он наказал тебя из-за того, что обнаружил у тебя в ШКАФУ С НИЖНИМ БЕЛЬЕМ тот стишок, что подарил тебе Билл (извините, что пересказываю те события, что произошли с Беверли, но так нужно для фанфика. Он наказал тебя из-за того, что обнаружил у тебя в ШКАФУ С НИЖНИМ БЕЛЬЕМ тот стишок, что подарил тебе Билл (извините, что пересказываю те события, что произошли с Беверли, но так нужно для фанфика. Genlenra фанфики» леон фанфики» фанфики леон кеннеди и ты (120) фото. Читайте Леон Скоттович Кеннеди в нашей онлайн библиотеке современной литературы с телефона или компьютера. Судя по предпоследнему фрейму Леон из этого комикса в кои то веки понял ее намек! Leon Kennedy relationship headcanons If you’re cooking, he will wrap his arms around you and won’t let go, he’ll just walk with you around the kitchen still latched on.

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

  • «Леон Скоттович Кеннеди» — Gheist
  • Resident Evil | Never alone again [Leon Kennedy/Claire Redfield]
  • Леон Кеннеди и Ада Вонг - Судьба связала нас - YouTube
  • Ilovecode93 (Leon Kennedy) · GitHub

Leon Kennedy Cosplay

Глава 1 "Cell". Чувствую, что сердце готово вот-вот выпрыгнуть из груди. Тошнота, головокружение, резкое поднятие температуры… - эти симптомы не оставляют меня уже который год. И вновь я осознаю, что это опять был сон.

Apparently the director of Damnation said Leon and Ada did spend a night together. Regardless, their relationship is old now. And Ada loves Leon but will never say or admit it because of who she is and does. But her actions speak louder than words so its obvious she loves him in her own way.

Takedown request View complete answer on reddit. This is all speculation, however. In the Vendetta film, this is made apparent when Leon expresses his dismay after having to fight battle after battle against zombies with no end in sight. In RE2 1998 , she kisses him before she "dies". Ada shoots Mr X so Leon can escape Which if you think about it, she had no real reason to do unless she really cared about him and ends up getting seriously injured in the process. Takedown request View complete answer on shipping.

Главный герой — Леон Кеннеди, обычный парень из провинциального городка, который ни разу не спасал мир от зомби-апокалипсиса. Он занимается обычными делами, работает в обычной работе и ведет обычную жизнь.

Внезапно Леон обнаруживает, что он попадает в водоворот невероятных приключений, и в его мире больше нет места обыденности.

This hints that they both might have felt something in the pool. Takedown request View complete answer on residentevil. Apparently the director of Damnation said Leon and Ada did spend a night together.

Regardless, their relationship is old now. And Ada loves Leon but will never say or admit it because of who she is and does. But her actions speak louder than words so its obvious she loves him in her own way. Takedown request View complete answer on reddit.

This is all speculation, however. In the Vendetta film, this is made apparent when Leon expresses his dismay after having to fight battle after battle against zombies with no end in sight. In RE2 1998 , she kisses him before she "dies".

Leon Kennedy Cosplay

Кеннеди недоверчиво изучал заключенного несколько секунд, потом без колебаний взял миномет и ударил хлипкую дверь ногой. Matthew Knight, Vanessa Morgan, Atticus Mitchell, Cameron Kennedy. На нашем литературном сайте вы можете скачать бесплатно книгу «Не тот Леон Кеннеди» Gheist в подходящем формате для разных устройств: epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Просмотрите доску «Леон и Клэр» пользователя Polina Savicheva в Pinterest. Resident Evil dj — Jack Krauser/Leon Kennedy.

Resident Evil: Леон Скоттович Кеннеди / Леон Скоттович Кеннеди – блог

Данная книга добавляет в сюжет игры Detroit: become human одного-единственного дополнительного персонажа, из-за которого возможно измениться вся история. Read Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield fanfiction written by the author Katsuki_Bakugou21 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Video Games fanfic stories, covering romance, action, adventure. Newest updated All rights reserved. Самым главным героем фанфика станет Леон Скотт Кеннеди. Новости проекта. Я только что прошел Resident Evil 2 Scenario A за Леона Кеннеди. Смотрите Леон кеннеди (39 фото) из категории арты в галереи.

Клэр редфилд фанфики

фанфик леон кеннеди и ожп (120) фото Самым главным героем фанфика станет Леон Скотт Кеннеди.
Resident Evil | Never alone again [Leon Kennedy/Claire Redfield] Leon s Kennedy.
Леон Кеннеди/Ада Вонг Леон Resident Evil 4 Резидент эвил 4 Леон Leon Kennedy Леон Скотт Кеннеди обои Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 2 Remake арт Re 2 Remake Арт леон кеннеди. Интересные фото: Повелители ночи арт и Йода арт пиксель.
Resident Evil | Never alone again [Leon Kennedy/Claire Redfield] Leon S. Kennedy/Chris Redfield.

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