Новости харви болл

Харви Болл — американский графический дизайнер, создатель «смайлика», учредитель Всемирного дня улыбки (отмечается в первую пятницу октября). 5:30 PM – VIP Sculpture Reception and the 22nd Annual Harvey Ball – $150.00 Complimentary beverages and hors d’oeuvres, live entertainment, and auction preview. В студенческие годы Харви Болл познакомился с одним из талантливых художников, который научил его многим хитростям изобразительного искусства. В студенческие годы Харви Болл познакомился с одним из талантливых художников, который научил его многим хитростям изобразительного искусства. WWII vet Harvey Ball died in 2001.

Gloria Hall, 'Art in the Park' win annual Harvey Ball Smile Award

Creating the Smiley In December 1963, American commercial artist Harvey Ball was assigned to create a smiling face for an insurance company in order to improve their employee morale. In between about 10 minutes, he drew two dots and a smile into a yellow circle and the smiley was born. Ball posing with a selection of Smiley merchandising Have a Nice Day From there, the smiley was globally used in many advertisements and political campaigns. Philadelphian brothers Bernard and Murray Spain designed and sold products with the phrase and logo in the early 1970s. In the 1970, during the Nixon-era in America, it was associated with optimism through the summer of love and many popular music artists dealt with the smiley, it was even parodied in the movie Forrest Gump.

Especially in this situation and where it is. He sees keeping hold of his current players, loanees included, as vital to success and a decision will only be made if an offer comes in. If the phone rings, we have to make decisions on whichever player people might covert.

Sign up here - it only takes a few seconds! Especially in this situation and where it is.

He sees keeping hold of his current players, loanees included, as vital to success and a decision will only be made if an offer comes in.

Ferguson would later admit to making a mistake. But in playing terms it was a mistake.

He is still playing for Ajax at a really good level. Claude Makelele His immense legacy is that a position was defined after him and that Real Madrid were haunted by his sale to Chelsea for years to come. Adept at playing his role without the need to fly into challenges or impose his physicality, Makelele simply pinched possession and kept the ball moving with sheer ease.

A master. A cult hero at Spurs thanks to two prolific spells at White Hart Lane, but it is at Manchester United that he enjoyed the most success, winning three consecutive Premier League titles between 1998-2001. Michael Carrick Possibly the most under-utilised and underrated English footballer in modern times.

He would go on to make over 300 league appearances for the club, winning an extraordinary five titles. Only Thierry Henry has more in the famed red and white. Robbie Fowler One of the most ruthless goalscorers the Premier League has ever seen.

No matter. Carlos Tevez Always controversial, always deadly in front of goal, always a delight to watch. Pitched up at West Ham in 2006, scoring seven priceless goals to help keep the Hammers up.

From there he formed a formidable strike partnership with Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo, winning two league titles, before his acrimonious move to City. He would spend four successful seasons across town, scoring another 58 league goals and winning the title once more. David de Gea Undoubtedly the best goalkeeper in the Premier League for the past five years, perhaps even the world.

Sol Campbell The centre-back is one of very few players to have enjoyed successful stints at both Tottenham and Arsenal. Tony Adams Another one-club man, Adams spent all 22 years of his professional career at Arsenal. A true legend, he is considered one of the greatest Arsenal players of all time.

His peak was his hugely fruitful relationship with Thierry Henry during the Invincibles season. His willingness to do the dirty work, while allowing his teammates to grab the headlines further up the pitch, have earned him the admiration of fans across the league. Criminally overlooked by England Le Tissier was a creator and scorer of great goals and also goes down as one of best penalty takers in the history of the game.

Harry Kane The player most likely to drastically improve his ranking in years to come. Still only 25, Kane is already the fifteenth highest scorer in the history of the Premier League, level with Nicolas Anelka and only one behind fellow Tottenham favourite Robbie Keane. Holds the record for most Premier League Player of the Month awards, as well the best strike-rate 0.

The Uruguayan hit an extraordinary 31 goals in 33 matches as Liverpool went so, so close to ending their long wait for a league title. A complete centre forward, who worked tirelessly, assisted his team-mates and was utterly ruthless in front of goal. Gianfranco Zola A pioneer thanks to his time at Chelsea, where he charmed a generation of fans with his fancy tricks and delightful free-kick goals.

The diminutive Italian sparked a period with the Blues of expansive, attractive football. At the peak of his powers, he was simply one of the best goalkeepers to have graced the Premier League. Also famous for throwing a slice of pizza at Sir Alex Ferguson.

A goalscoring midfielder, powerful runner with pin-point accuracy. He scored 118 goals for the Reds across 216 league appearances. Robin van Persie One of the best strikers of his generation, there are too many moments of brilliance to list when it comes to RVP.

His move from Arsenal, where he made a name for himself, to Manchester United will always remain a point of contention but it certainly paid off. A world-class player. How amusing that, at the beginning of his Spurs career, fans thought he was jinxed, with the Welshman coming close to a cut-price move to Birmingham.

Всемирный день улыбки, День страховщика, Раиса Спорная: Какие праздники и приметы 6 октября

Он посчитал, что нижестоящая инстанция вынесла решение с «вопиющими» нарушениями. Дело отправлено на пересмотр.

Peter Beardsley A No 10 with a gifted football brain, Beardsley was a star of the early years of the Premier League even if his best came before 1992 in fan-favourite spells with both Newcastle and Liverpool. Emmanuel Petit A converted defensive midfielder who formed a crucial partnership with Patrick Vieira. Patrice Evra A former Manchester United captain who won an astonishing five league titles during his nine years at Old Trafford. The Nigerian had magic in his boots and became a cult hero in Lancashire, forming a brilliant partnership with French World Cup winner Youri Djorkaeff.

Steve McManaman Ignore the acrimonious exit. Everything you would want and more from a right-back. Gary Speed A Premier League giant. Rarely troubled by injury or suspension, Speed made 535 Premier League appearances during his career — putting him at fifth in the all-time list. His tragic suicide shocked the sport, marking a turning point in the conversation around mental health in football. It was at Stamford Bridge the enigmatic Frenchman enjoyed the most success, winning two league titles.

Mesut Ozil He may be inconsistent. He may drift in and out of games. And he may be a divisive character at the Emirates. But when he is on song, there are few players who can read the game like Mesut Ozil. Gilberto Silva The invisible Invincible. Played a key if understated role in the best Arsenal team of all-time, alongside Patrick Vieira.

A first-team regular from 1997 until he retired, in 2013. He was the midfield enforcer who never stopped, but he also weighed in with his fair share of goals arriving on the edge of the box. Les Ferdinand The eighth highest scorer in the Premier League with 149 goals. Raheem Sterling A genuine superstar in the making, Sterling has hit new heights in the past two seasons. Hughes was an all-round striker who could hold up the ball, lose his marker in the box and finish, but above all it was undying tenacity that Ferguson most valued. Coming off the back of winning the PFA Player of the Year Award in 1991-92, Pallister played every minute of the first Premier League season in 1992-93, as United became champions for the first time in 26 years.

Jurgen Klinsmann Often foreign strikers can take a season or two to acclimatise to the rigours of the Premier League. Not this man. Arrived at Spurs from Monaco and immediately scored 20 goals in 41 league matches, despite a turbulent season which saw Osvaldo Ardiles replaced by Steve Perryman and then Gerry Francis. Intelligent on the ball and a fantastic distributor, Carvalho complemented the traditional, hard-nosed approach adopted by Terry. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Before he was an unexpectedly high-achieving interim manager, he was one of the best strikers in the business. Few could have expected quite how successful the Norwegian would become at Old Trafford when he was signed on the cheap to provide backup to Eric Cantona and Andy Cole.

David Ginola One of the most charismatic players ever to grace the Premier League who delighted fans at Newcastle, Spurs, Everton and Aston Villa with his mazy dribbling and sumptuous first touch. While known for pounding the ball with tremendous force, his intelligent movement and ability to perfectly deliver the ball for a team-mate made him a great striker. In that time he scored 52 goals from 89 league appearances, scoring a number of pivotal goals in the title run-in under Antonio Conte. A forceful presence who knew how to lead the line all by himself. Ledley King Arguably the most naturally gifted defender of his generation. What a shame his was a career blighted by injury.

His bending strike against Arsenal at Stamford Bridge stands out as one of his finest moments. Marc Overmars Initially struggled at Arsenal. But soon found his feet, ending his debut campaign with 12 goals and becoming a key player in the Arsenal side which won the double in 1998. Fernando Torres The Spaniard exploded on to the English football scene at Liverpool and never looked back becoming one of the most feared No 9s in the history of the league.

Владельцы знали, что логотип придумал Болл, но считали, что с надписью это совсем другой продукт. Конечно, улыбающиеся «эмоджи» существовали и до этого: их находили на турецких вазах , слепленных ещё 4000 лет назад, и в письмах 19 века, и на мерчендайзе радиостанции WMCA в 1962 году. Но именно рисунок Болла превратился в узнаваемый символ, а СМИ даже окрестили его создателем современного смайлика. Харви Болл не ожидал, что его простой логотип может приносить миллионы долларов, и потому даже не пробовал зарегистрировать товарный знак.

Зато об этом вскоре подумали другие. Источник: The Smithsonian Magazine «Кто первый, того и тапки»: кому в итоге принадлежит смайлик В 1971 году, когда Hallmark продавал миллионы сувениров, способ ободрить народ искал журналист Франклин Луфрани из французской газеты France-Soir. Луфрани удручал постоянный поток негативных новостей, поэтому он решил придумать символ, которым газета смогла бы отмечать позитивные истории. Его рисунок практически дублировал работу Болла, но Луфрани, в отличие от американца, сразу разглядел в смайлике маркетинговый потенциал, поэтому зарегистрировал товарный знак и задумал продавать лицензию на использование, чтобы получать процент с каждой продажи товара. В то время мало кто в Европе работал по такой бизнес-модели, поэтому поначалу приходилось непросто. Желание высказали несколько газет, но Луфрани хотелось большего. И однажды он понял: чтобы смайлик стал символом массовой культуры, нужно, чтобы он стал частью громкого движения. Выпуск газеты France-Soir от 1 января 1972 года.

Источник: 909 Originals «Секс, наркотики и рейв»: как улыбающийся кружок стал культурным символом В начале 1970-х во Франции развивалась субкультура, напоминающая по философии американских хиппи: студенты критиковали старые моральные устои, продвигали свободную любовь и выступали за сексреволюцию. Стикеры в итоге красовались на автомобилях всех городов страны, а к самому журналисту всё чаще стали обращаться бренды: Американская пищевая компания Mars напечатала смайлик на своих конфетах Bonitos. Немецкий продавец киноплёнки Agfa разместил улыбку на упаковках.

Harvey balls are round ideograms used for visual communication of qualitative information.

They are commonly used in comparison tables to indicate the degree to which a particular item meets a particular criterion. For example, in a comparison of products, information such as price or weight can be conveyed numerically, and binary information such as the existence or lack of a feature can be conveyed with a check mark ; however, information such as "quality" or "safety" or "taste" is often difficult to summarize in a manner allowing easy comparison — thus, Harvey balls are used. In addition to their use in qualitative comparison, Harvey balls are also commonly used in project management for project tracking; in lean manufacturing for value-stream mapping and continuous improvement tracking; and in business process modeling software for visualisation.

Liverpool news: Harvey Elliott banned after mocking Tottenham’s Harry Kane in derogatory video

A true legend, he is considered one of the greatest Arsenal players of all time. His peak was his hugely fruitful relationship with Thierry Henry during the Invincibles season. His willingness to do the dirty work, while allowing his teammates to grab the headlines further up the pitch, have earned him the admiration of fans across the league. Criminally overlooked by England Le Tissier was a creator and scorer of great goals and also goes down as one of best penalty takers in the history of the game. Harry Kane The player most likely to drastically improve his ranking in years to come. Still only 25, Kane is already the fifteenth highest scorer in the history of the Premier League, level with Nicolas Anelka and only one behind fellow Tottenham favourite Robbie Keane. Holds the record for most Premier League Player of the Month awards, as well the best strike-rate 0. The Uruguayan hit an extraordinary 31 goals in 33 matches as Liverpool went so, so close to ending their long wait for a league title. A complete centre forward, who worked tirelessly, assisted his team-mates and was utterly ruthless in front of goal. Gianfranco Zola A pioneer thanks to his time at Chelsea, where he charmed a generation of fans with his fancy tricks and delightful free-kick goals.

The diminutive Italian sparked a period with the Blues of expansive, attractive football. At the peak of his powers, he was simply one of the best goalkeepers to have graced the Premier League. Also famous for throwing a slice of pizza at Sir Alex Ferguson. A goalscoring midfielder, powerful runner with pin-point accuracy. He scored 118 goals for the Reds across 216 league appearances. Robin van Persie One of the best strikers of his generation, there are too many moments of brilliance to list when it comes to RVP. His move from Arsenal, where he made a name for himself, to Manchester United will always remain a point of contention but it certainly paid off. A world-class player. How amusing that, at the beginning of his Spurs career, fans thought he was jinxed, with the Welshman coming close to a cut-price move to Birmingham.

Andy Cole Never the most talented Cole earned every one of his 187 Premier League goals with a relentless will to win. A journeyman career spanning 13 clubs it is his time at Manchester United alongside favourite running mate Dwight Yorke that he is remembered for. A five-time champion only two players in history have scored more. A modern defender with athletic prowess and technical skill to match Kompany will be remembered as one of the finest foreign imports the English game has seen. Eden Hazard Irresistible at his absolute best and one of the very few players capable of not only deciding games on his own, but doing so without the help of team-mates. The Belgian showcases total control when dribbling the ball, a skill he can stake claim to be the very best at throughout his time in the league. The finest player in the league in two title-winning seasons, Hazard is a true Premier League great who may only be appreciated when he has gone. Beckham won six titles, made four PFA Teams of the Year and scored several iconic goals, and his record of 15 Premier League goals scored from direct free-kicks still stands. Eventually left in 2014 for Internazionale; were it not for injuries he would have remained at Old Trafford for even longer.

His most prolific season came in winning the 2009-10 title under Carlo Ancelotti, scoring 29 league goals, before leaving and then returning in 2014, a decade after he first arrived, to win his fourth and final Premier League medal. David Silva A midfield maestro capable of playing the game at his pace; speeding up and slowing down while painting a picture amid the frantic action in Premier League games. Silva has never been flustered and can always be relied upon to stand up in the most opportune moments, a cornerstone of the Manchester City era and a candidate for their best ever player, despite the money lavished on numerous other players. Rio Ferdinand The prototype defender of the modern age Ferdinand was the trailblazer for, and best example of, what is now a staple of every backline: the ball-playing centre-half. At his elegant peak Ferdinand made defending look easy and while others were perhaps more effective few did it so effortlessly. His partnership with Nemanja Vidic was the standard all others aspired to for years and still do to this day. Steven Gerrard The greatest player in our list to never win a Premier League title. He instead remained at Liverpool, spending 17 seasons at Anfield during which he captained his side to two European titles as well as five domestic cups. An extremely versatile and well-rounded player, who completely remodeled his game as he grew older.

Ashley Cole One of the very few England players of a generation who could claim to be the absolute best in the world in his position.

Они зарегистрировали товарный знак на эту комбинацию, а затем изменили фразу на « Хорошего дня », которая сама по себе стала повседневной фразой в Северной Америке. Француз Франклин Лофрани использовал это изображение таким образом и быстро предпринял шаги для создания торговой марки изображения. Его компания теперь приносит более 100 миллионов долларов в год и в 1990-х годах оказалась втянутой в спор об авторских правах с Walmart из-за изображения. BBC передала документальный фильм по радио. Промоушн 18 июля 1998 г.

По словам менеджера магазина Кена Карсона, Болл, казалось, был удивлен, увидев это на обложке. World Smile Foundation Болл основал World Smile Foundation в 1999 году, некоммерческий благотворительный фонд, который поддерживает детей. Группа лицензирует Smileys и организует Всемирный день улыбки, который проходит в первую пятницу октября каждого года и является днем, посвященным «хорошему настроению и добрым делам». Популярная фраза дня: «Сделай добро - помоги одному человеку улыбнуться». Смерть и наследие Болл умер 12 апреля 2001 года в результате печеночной недостаточности.

It was more his quality on the ball that impressed me. I think Klopp will lean on him and will have influence on the season. He looks a confident young man, he has every right to start the next game. Despite a few heavy challenges early on that tried to expose his technique, Elliott remained strong and sharp-footed and was never afraid to drive with the ball into the box — constantly on the lookout for the Liverpool forwards.

Человечество вырубает леса ради расширения полей, дорогами разрезает пути миграции животных, а затем удивляется, почему всё меньше видов делят с ним планету. Всё это уже привело к необратимому исчезновению сотен разновидностей животных и растений. Они продолжают гибнуть и сейчас. А ведь каждый исчезнувший вид — очень ощутимая и невосполнимая потеря. Всемирный день охраны мест обитания призван напомнить нам об этом. Заповедники, зоозащитные организации проводят в сегодняшний праздник различные акции. День детской музыки 6 октября отмечается День детской музыки. Предлагаем познакомиться с ним: это международный неофициальный праздник появился в США в 2016 году, распространился по миру отмечается ежегодно 6 октября, дата не смещается цель — продвигать музыку, способную помогать детям в учёбе, развитии, укреплении психики. День детской музыки был придуман американской некоммерческой организацией Keep Music Alive, которая занимается музыкотерапией. В ней решили, что для продвижения таких идей хорошо бы выделить этому доброму делу отдельный день в календаре. Идею поддержали. Музыкальная терапия, или музыкотерапия, исходит из того, что определённые мелодии способны влиять на нас, в том числе детей. Музыка может помочь успокоиться, сконцентрироваться, установить связь между ребёнком и педагогом. А это, в свою очередь, содействует развитию подрастающего члена общества. Также через музыку, пение, танцы дети могут раскрыть свою творческую индивидуальность. Кстати, в жанре детской музыки работали многие известные композиторы. Так, есть "Детский альбом" П.

Insert Harvey Balls in PowerPoint

Harvey Elliott has impressed while on loan from Liverpool in the Championship this season while the Reds continue to suffer injury concerns with Diogo Jota currently ruled out. Elliott is still developing as a young player, and after a season with the first team at Melwood it seems he is honing his ability off the ball, along with his natural skill and technique in attack. Harvey Ross Ball According to the Smithsonian Institution, the smiley face as we know it today was created by Harvey Ross Ball, an American graphic artist.

Харви Вайнштейн госпитализирован в Нью-Йорке

Харви Болл - главные новости О Харви Болле – и Улыбке Сегодня – первая пятница октября, и планета в очередной раз отметит Всемирный день улыбки (World Smile Day).
Newcastle United get major boost as Harvey Barnes edges closer to return - Chronicle Live в 1999-ом году - Харви Болл (Harvey Ball) был удостоен почетной награды Veteran of the Year award от Worcester Veterans Council.

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  • [Updated 2023] PowerPoint Tutorial #12- How to Design Harvey Balls in Just a Minute!
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  • Шайба Ничушкина помогла «Колорадо» обыграть «Виннипег» в третьем матче серии — РТ на русском
  • В этот день… 2 октября – 1

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харви болл

This feature makes Harvey Balls quite useful for Project Managers to showcase their Project-related communication. Харви Болл получил за свою работу всего 45 долларов, не успел запатентовать свое изобретение. Harvey Elliott has impressed while on loan from Liverpool in the Championship this season while the Reds continue to suffer injury concerns with Diogo Jota currently ruled out. Harvey Balls are round ideograms commonly known as Booz balls. Harvey Ball created the Smiley Face and while others got millions for patenting it, he refused to patent it and was only paid US$45 for his iconic design. The primary school Jets and high school Fever sides are the 2023 Harvey Netball Assocation junior premiers after taking out their grand finals at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre last week.

Harvey Ball Trivia: 33 facts about designer of the smiley!

The Harvey Ball Smile Award is presented annually to an individual or group who have made a difference in the city of Worcester. Американский кинопродюсер Харви Вайнштейн госпитализирован в больничное отделение тюрьмы «Бельвью» в Нью-Йорке. The Harvey Ball Smiley Face: A Short History.

Шайба Ничушкина помогла «Колорадо» обыграть «Виннипег» в третьем матче серии

Майкл Б. Джордан и Лори Харви не стали делать совместных заявлений на фоне расставания, а также озвучивать причины разрыва. Встреча на «Болл Арене» завершилась со счётом 6:2. Харви Болл служил 27 лет в Национальной Гвардии и во время Второй Мировой Войны находился в Азии и в Тихоокеанском регионе. В 1999 году Харви Болл основал «Всемирную корпорацию улыбок», весь доход которой идет на благотворительность, и учредил Всемирный день улыбок.

Харви Болл — “The World Smile Corporation”

Несмотря на успех, Болл не запатентовал свое изобретение и получил всего 45 долларов за свою работу. Впоследствии другие дизайнеры внесли свои изменения в смайлики. Последние годы Харви Болл скончался 12 апреля 2001 года от почечной недостаточности. Его провожали в последний путь дети и внуки.

The association thanked local MLA Robyn Clarke and the South West Development Commission for a State Government grant which has allowed it to purchase much needed equipment, uniforms and resources for the upcoming season. Girls aged 5-17 and boys aged 5-12 can register to play, with more information on the HNA Facebook page. Expressions of interest are also open for those interested in coaching and umpiring during the coming season.

В разговоре он обмолвился, что «наконец-то нашел любовь». Чувства вдохновляли Майкла на многое. Как-то раз он арендовал целый аквариумный комплекс, чтобы на один вечер превратить его в ресторан. Вокруг все было усыпано лепестками роз и украшено свечами. Автор статьи.

Ball posing with a selection of Smiley merchandising Have a Nice Day From there, the smiley was globally used in many advertisements and political campaigns. Philadelphian brothers Bernard and Murray Spain designed and sold products with the phrase and logo in the early 1970s. In the 1970, during the Nixon-era in America, it was associated with optimism through the summer of love and many popular music artists dealt with the smiley, it was even parodied in the movie Forrest Gump. Crossing the Atlantic The smiley was introduced to France in 1972 as a signal of a good news story in the newspaper France Soir. Frenchman Franklin Loufrani used the image this way and made swift moves to trademark the image.


Harvey Ball was an American commercial artist. He is recognized as the earliest known designer of the smiley, which became an enduring and notable international. Американский кинопродюсер Харви Вайнштейн госпитализирован в больничное отделение тюрьмы «Бельвью» в Нью-Йорке. Harvey Ball is known to have created the Smiley Fa by Anthony R A Eredía. Harvey Ball, Photos - Harvey Ball, Videos - Harvey Ball updates on Rediff News. Биография Харви Болла Харви Болл, американский дизайнер, автор всемирно известных Смайликов, родился 10 июля 1921 года в Вустере, Массачусетс.

Gloria Hall, 'Art in the Park' win annual Harvey Ball Smile Award

The project contains many activities and phases, so track the status of your project using Harvey balls. Is this project running behind or as scheduled? What does good look like? How well you are managing your risks? What is the budget for the Project?

Отметим, что Смайлики использовались не только в США, но и в других странах мира, и имели ошеломляющий успех — за один 1971 год их было продано — почти пятьдесят миллионов. Изобретение Болла не было запатентовано, несмотря на такую популярность в мире, и он как создатель за свою работу получил только 45 долларов.

You can adjust the sizes of the two shapes they MUST be the same size! Step 4 Put your partial circle exactly on top of the whole circle. This makes your two created shapes one and allows you to move your Harvey ball around as a whole. You can still change the circle and partial circle by double clicking on them. The good news is that you basically only have to create one — you can copy that one as often as you need. Just click on your grouped! She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

За два года ей удалось сбросить 32 килограмма и снова начать покупать одежду на несколько размеров меньше. Материалы по теме:.

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