Новости ревит 2024

TopographySurface and SiteSubRegion elements have been superseded as of Revit 2024 by a new element (lid) and related classes. Обновление Revit 2024.0.2 Update Скачать можно по этой cсылке.

Прекращение действия лицензий Autodesk

Revit 2024 не исключение и привносит ряд значительных улучшений по сравнению с предыдущей версией 2023. Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию. Autodesk Revit 2024 отлично подходит для личного использования или бизнеса вне зависимости от выбранного типа устройства. Autodesk Revit 2024 представляет собой отдельное приложение, которое поддерживает рабочий процесс BIM от разработки концепции до строительства. Here are the latest updates about what's new in Revit 2024 from the architects at BIMsmith. The release of Revit Software 2024 is intriguing, but the software may be evolving slower than the industry would prefer.

Revit 2024 – What’s New

This is a brave new world. Figure 3. However, until now, the local location was not editable. If you have a laptop, for example, with a smaller SSD C: drive, and a larger D: drive, there was no way to point the local BIM 360 storage to the more spacious D: drive. This could easily cause the C: drive to fill up if you worked on several BIM 360 projects or just one mega project. Thanks, Autodesk. Figure 4. New cloud model cache location option in the Options dialog. Templates and Sample Projects Two things that almost always stay the same in a Revit upgrade are templates and sample projects.

This year, we lose some sample projects and gain a new template and sample project. New Imperial Template There is a new multi-discipline template. Previously there were only discipline-specific and systems i. Due to the settings and loaded families required by specific commands and workflows, some tools in Revit would not work correctly depending on which template you started from. With the new all-discipline template, this problem can be avoided. Figure 5. The new imperial template supporting all disciplines. New Sample Model There is a new robust set of sample models which can be used to explore Revit features and model organization.

It includes seven linked models and contains phasing and design options. There is even a point cloud file that can be downloaded separately. One slight downside related to this is that the old sample models are no longer included. So, while this new sample model is a great new resource for those learning Revit, I will miss the easy access to the lightweight residential sample model to open quickly for troubleshooting. Of course, the older versions of these files can still be downloaded per this post I wrote on my blog: Templates and Families Not Installed. Figure 6. The new sample project has seven linked models. Figure 7.

Platform There are several new features in Revit 2024 that are not discipline specific. User Interface The user interface has a number of changes. Most of the icons have been refreshed in support of a new dark theme option. The project browser is also completely updated and now includes a search option at the top. Figure 8. Most icons have been refreshed and the project browser is completely updated. Dark Theme Revit 2024 now has a more legitimate dark theme feature. This new feature can be set to follow the operating system setting.

When first used, the canvas area is also set to a dark theme. This can be adjusted back to a light color while still in the dark theme if desired. Figure 9. The new dark theme for the UI and palettes. Figure 10. The option to adjust the canvas color in dark theme mode. Revit Macro Security Macros are now disabled by default for enhanced security, as shown in the Revit Options dialog below. Any individual or company can change these by deployment or manually if desired.

Figure 11. Macros are disabled by default in Revit 2024. Resize All Schedule Rows When a schedule on a sheet is selected, there are now a few options in the Properties Palette to control the row height and rotation on the sheet. Selection of All for Resize Rows makes the row height consistent. Figure 12. New options in in the Properties Palette for schedules placed on sheets.

The steps to upgrade a toposurface to a toposolid. The toposurface is not deleted as this would delete the building pads which need to be recreated manually.

Since there is no building pad tool, Autodesk recommends that an in-place mass set to cut the toposolid be created, as shown in Figure 27. This provides a lot more options, like tunnels and sloped edges. The biggest challenge is that the workflow is not as intuitive for the average Revit user, in my opinion. Figure 27. The suggested replacement for the building pad tool is an in-place mass void. Sub-regions are automatically converted to sub-divisions. Figure 28 shows the various type settings for this new element. Notice two things.

First, the toposolid is fundamentally based on the floor element. Second, the contour settings are now set per object type rather than globally. Figure 28. Toposolid properties. Knowing that the element is essentially an enhanced floor element, note that apply materials is a little odd. Then I had to paint a grass material on the surface. The tricky part with painting is that the surface is made up of several facets and required several picks to paint the entire surface. Toposolid — Creation Workflow A toposolid is created similar to a floor element.

You start by sketching the perimeter of the ground to be defined and then finish the creation mode. Next, you select the toposurface and use the Add Points option on the ribbon, adjusting the offset value also on the ribbon. Roads and walkways are created using the Sub-Divide tool found on the ribbon when a toposolid is selected. This is similar to the sub-region tool where an enclosed area is defined within the larger toposolid perimeter. The result is a solid extrusion which conforms to the ground and can be adjusted vertically. However, the sub-divide height cannot be negative. The last image in this section shows how a mass void can create a tunnel in the toposolid. This was not possible with a toposurface.

When a CAD file is available, a toposolid can be generated from it as in the past. Figure 29. Creating a toposolid. Figure 30. Creating a sub-division. Figure 31. Mass void creating a tunnel in toposolid. Shared Coordinates While there is nothing new with shared coordinates, I wanted to share a link to my YouTube series on the topic Shared Coordinates in Revit that is easy to understand and covers many of the questions that often come up.

This workflow will be the same in Revit 2024, even when using the new toposolid element. This workflow also works on a project hosted in BIM 360. Figure 32. The shared coordinates workflow. Cut Geometry Enhancement With the advent of the toposolid, there have been enhancements to what kind of elements can be used to cut other elements. Because the toposolid is a solid, Revit does not know that other elements should automatically cut it. If you have foundation walls going below grade, for example, you now have to use the Cut tool and select the wall and the toposolid to get the correct graphic results in a section. Pattern Alignment The Align tool now has an option to apply the alignment to the entire surface.

In the example below, the surface has sub-elements applied to slope portions of the surface. This can result in the surface pattern not aligned across the entire floor element. This new feature helps with the new alignment, whereas earlier, it only allowed for the selected face option. Figure 33. The new Entire Surface option for Align.

Эта последняя версия программного обеспечения для BIM Building Information Modeling включает в себя ряд ключевых улучшений и нововведений, делая процесс проектирования более интуитивным, эффективным и многофункциональным. История развития и нововведения Autodesk Revit, долгое время являясь стандартом в индустрии BIM, продолжает своё развитие, предлагая инновационные решения в каждой новой версии. Revit 2024 не исключение и привносит ряд значительных улучшений по сравнению с предыдущей версией 2023: Улучшенная работа с данными: Revit 2024 обеспечивает более плавное управление данными и интеграцию, позволяя пользователям легко обмениваться информацией и синхронизировать проекты.

Расширенные возможности визуализации: Новые инструменты для визуализации и рендеринга делают процесс создания реалистичных изображений более доступным и эффективным. Оптимизация рабочего процесса: Автоматизированные функции и улучшенный пользовательский интерфейс значительно упрощают рабочий процесс, позволяя сосредоточиться на творчестве и дизайне.

It includes seven linked models and contains phasing and design options. There is even a point cloud file that can be downloaded separately. FYI: Enscape does not support point clouds as they are too resource intense for real-time rendering. The images below, and several at the end of this post, are all rendered in Enscape without making any changes in the Revit model s. To get around this limitation, an advanced material can be converted to a generic material by right-clicking on the Appearance tab within the Revit Material Browser and selecting Duplicate as Generic, as shown in the following image. Finally, taking a few minutes to add some Enscape assets, but still, no edits to the Revit model; look how lively the scene becomes!

Notice the building being reflected on the vehicle in the foreground. Previously there were only discipline-specific and systems i. Due to the settings and loaded families required by specific Revit commands and workflows, some tools would not work correctly depending on which template you started from. With this new all-discipline template, this problem can be avoided. FYI: the original templates can still be found by clicking the Browse… button. Dark theme Revit 2024 now has a more legitimate dark theme feature. This new feature can be set to follow the operating system i. Windows setting.

When first used, the canvas area is also set to a dark theme. This can be adjusted back to a light color, as shown in the second image below, while still in the dark theme if desired.

Feature Highlights

Что нового в Revit 2024.1.1 Revit 2024 выходит на рынок по всему миру! В этом выпуске Autodesk объединили долгожданные дополнения, такие как инструменты сайта для ландшафтных дизайнеров, с улучшениями.
New Features Autodesk Revit 2024 Autodesk Revit 2024, the latest version, has just been released with a range of nice new features and improvements.
Прекращение действия лицензий Autodesk — Ревит с нами Explore nine of the new features in Revit 2024 in this overview by Revit expert, Dan Stine.
Telegram: Contact @revitblog Autodesk Revit 2024 — это мощный инструмент для проектирования и создания строительной документации.
Autodesk Revit 2024.1 Build by m0nkrus (MULTi/RUS) Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor.

Обзор Revit 2024. Что нового в Autodesk Revit

Элементы управления порядком отображения, добавленные в редактор семейств. Изменяемые диалоговые окна Существует более 20 существующих диалоговых окон, которые были усовершенствованы для возможности изменения размера. Несколько примеров: "Идентификаторы элементов выделения", "Начальный вид", "Вставка 2D-элементов" и другие. Рисунок 18. Пример диалогового окна с возможностью изменения размера. Сортировка параметров проекта в свойствах Теперь параметры проекта сортируются в алфавитно-цифровом порядке в диалогах свойств экземпляра и типа.

Параметры семейств не изменились по сравнению с предыдущим поведением. Архитектурная дисциплина Архитектурная дисциплина имеет несколько новых возможностей и порадует многих архитекторов и дизайнеров. Стиль представления «Текстуры» В Revit появился новый стиль представления под названием "Текстуры". Я был в бета-группе пользователей этого стиля. Он представляет собой нечто среднее между затененным и реалистичным.

Он показывает текстуру внешнего вида объекта, но без глобального освещения, поэтому материалы имеют одинаковый цвет на всех поверхностях и под любым углом. В этом режиме можно включить окружающие и солнечные тени, как показано в примерах ниже. Рисунок 19. Пример стиля просмотра текстур с включенными окружающими тенями. Рисунок 20.

Пример стиля просмотра текстур с использованием блока сечений. Рисунок 21. Вид наружного фасада в сравнении реалистичного и текстурного стилей тени от солнца включены. Настройки солнца на ленте При выполнении исследования солнечной активности настройки солнца теперь представлены на ленте, как показано ниже. При нажатии на кнопку настройки солнца открывается традиционный диалог настройки солнца с теми же параметрами.

Еще одно усовершенствование включает возможность выбора гораздо более коротких вариантов увеличения времени. Рисунок 22. Настройки солнца теперь отображаются на ленте в режиме изучения солнца. Рисунок 23. В солнечном исследовании теперь есть варианты с более коротким увеличением времени.

Инструменты для работы с генпланом Взглянув на вкладку "Формы и генплан" ниже, вы заметите, что многое изменилось. Инструменты для работы с генпланом представляют собой самое значительное изменение в Revit 2024 для архитекторов, которое одновременно и радует, и немного пугает! Теперь у нас есть команда toposolid, а не toposurface. Как следует из названия, земля теперь представлена твердой геометрией, а не двумерной поверхностью. Вот это и есть самое интересное.

В ленте, расположенной ниже, отсутствует команда building pad, что является пугающей частью - я объясню это в следующем разделе. Рисунок 24. Сравнение инструментов сайта Revit 2024 с предыдущими версиями. Toposolid заменяет Toposurface Хотя элементы toposurface и building pads больше не доступны, они сохраняются при обновлении модели до Revit 2024. Эти элементы можно изменять и копировать.

Новые экземпляры создавать нельзя, так как команды исчезли. На рисунке 25 показаны топографическая поверхность и строительная площадка после первоначального обновления модели. Рисунок 25. Пример топоповерхности и строительной площадки до проекта Revit 2024. Чтобы преобразовать топоповерхность, выберите ее и выполните действия, показанные на рисунке 26.

На шаге 2 выбирается тип семейства топоповерхностей, в котором может быть задано несколько характеристик поверхности. Рисунок 26. Шаги по преобразованию топоповерхности в топосолид. Топоповерхность не удаляется, так как это привело бы к удалению строительных площадок, которые необходимо воссоздать вручную. Поскольку инструмента для создания строительных площадок нет, Autodesk рекомендует создать набор массы на месте для разрезания топосолида, как показано на рисунке 27.

Это дает гораздо больше возможностей, например, туннели и наклонные края.

Повышена стабильность за счет отключения пользовательской модификации значения расхода воздухораспределителя, когда параметр расхода определен в формуле. Повышена производительность и стабильность расчетов расхода и падения давления в моделях изготовления, содержащих множество сетей. Повышена стабильность работы, когда некоторые системы воздуховодов и труб были удалены после операции определения размеров. Повышена стабильность работы при редактировании шаблона спецификации панели. Повышена стабильность при размещении линейных граничных условий на изогнутых аналитических панелях.

Link Coordination Models Visually cross-check between models of various disciplines and phases of a project. In 3D views, visually compare collaboration models created in Revit or other modeling tools for coordination purposes. You can link directly to views from Autodesk Docs without downloading the file to a local resource. Views linked from Autodesk Docs use permissions from the Autodesk Docs account to manage access, making it easier to use the collaboration workflow when IP protection is important.

Figure 12. New options in in the Properties Palette for schedules placed on sheets. Schedule Revision Clouds Revision clouds can now be scheduled. This includes the ability to schedule related information such as the sheet or view name that the cloud is placed on. Figure 13. Revision clouds can now be scheduled. Open Sheet Directly from View If a view is placed on a sheet, that sheet can now be opened quickly via right-clicking within the view and selecting Open Sheet as shown here. Figure 14. Right-click in a view to open the sheet it is placed on quickly. Place Multiple Views and Schedules Multiple selected views and schedules can be dragged from the Project Browser onto a sheet. These are spaced out sufficiently so they do not overlap, but they likely require manual adjustment once placed. It is also possible to drag views from one sheet to another within the Project Browser as shown in Figure 16, in which case the views are positioned in the same location. Figure 15. Placing multiple views onto a sheet. Figure 16. Moving views from one sheet to another. Figure 17. Display order controls added to family editor. Resizable Dialogs There are over 20 existing dialog boxes that have been enhanced to allow resizing. Figure 18. Example of a dialog enhanced to be resizable. Sorting of Project Parameters in Properties Project parameters are now sorted alphanumerically in the instance and type properties dialogs. Family parameters are unchanged from previous behavior. Architectural The architectural discipline has several new features and will make a lot of architects and designers happy. Of course, we will all have wishlist items not found in the update. Be sure to head to the Revit Ideas site and make sure you post or vote for enhancements you want. Here is an example of a much needed enhancement to the Bind Revit Link Revit Idea that would maintain phases — most do not realize that all phase settings are lost when you bind a Revit link until they need to do it! Textures View Style Revit has a new view style called Textures. I was in the beta user group for this one. It is a cross between shaded and realistic. It shows the appearance asset texture but without global lighting, so the materials are a consistent color on all surfaces and at all angles. It is possible to have ambient and sun shadows on in this mode as shown in the examples below. Figure 19. Textures view style example with ambient shadows on. Figure 20. Textures view style example using section box. Figure 21. Exterior elevation view comparing realistic and textures view styles sun shadows on. Sun settings on ribbon When running a solar study, the sun settings are now presented on the ribbon as shown below. Clicking the sun setting button opens the traditional sun settings dialog with the same settings. Another enhancement includes the ability to select much shorter time increment options. Figure 22. Sun settings are now shown on the ribbon in solar study mode. Figure 23. Solar study now has shorter time increment options. Site tools Looking at the massing and site tab below, you will notice a lot has changed. The site tools represent the most significant change in Revit 2024 for architects, which is both exciting and a little scary!

Revit 2024 Upgrades Site Design, Environment for Revit® 11.0 Takes it Skyward

Revit Home Tech Preview and Dark Theme for Schedules The new Revit Home, currently in Tech Preview, introduces better navigation within Revit, while the dark theme for schedules and improved color conversion contribute to a user experience that is more consistent, comfortable, and conducive to extended work sessions. This early-stage design tool supports critical decisions regarding solar panel placement and window orientation. Twinmotion 2023. Coupled with the ability to import animated assets and enhanced scene authoring capabilities, Twinmotion becomes an even more powerful tool for architects.

This update presents a wealth of enhancements, furthering the integration of external tools and improving user experience with new features that streamline workflows and foster open collaboration.

Here we will delve into the key highlights and how they contribute to a more efficient and integrated design process. Enhanced Open Workflows and Performance Revit 2024. This feature greatly simplifies the integration of 3D CAD data into BIM models, promoting collaborative work across different platforms.

Enhanced Open Workflows and Performance Revit 2024. This feature greatly simplifies the integration of 3D CAD data into BIM models, promoting collaborative work across different platforms. Dynamo for Revit 2. With improved search functionality that accounts for typographical errors and provides more relevant results, designers can quickly locate the specific nodes and packages they require, thereby saving time.

This feature greatly simplifies the integration of 3D CAD data into BIM models, promoting collaborative work across different platforms.

Dynamo for Revit 2. With improved search functionality that accounts for typographical errors and provides more relevant results, designers can quickly locate the specific nodes and packages they require, thereby saving time. This version also introduces enhanced package node identification and a more refined Python editor experience, among other upgrades.

Download books & sOFTWARE

  • Best 9 New Features in Revit 2024 - Mashyo
  • Пройдите специализированное обучение
  • Revit 2024 – What’s New – Revit news
  • What's New in Revit 2024
  • 14 Spectacular Revit Software 2024 Features You Can’t-Miss

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Что нового в Revit 2024. Это важное обновление для всех пользователей Revit 2024 все версии , и мы рекомендуем всем, кто использует версию 2024, выполнить обновление до этой версии как можно скорее. Чего можно ожидать от этого обновления? Ну, во-первых, это обновление устраняет проблему расширяемой схемы хранения, затрагивающую надстройки и проекты, обновленные для Revit 2024.

Это обновление особенно важно для пользователей совместной работы, поскольку все члены проектной группы используют эту версию Revit или более позднюю версию. Чтобы избежать возможности повторного появления этой проблемы в более старых версиях Revit 2024 в модели проектных групп.

В версии 2023 этот инструмент усовершенствовали, добавив возможность выбирать сразу несколько элементов рамкой выбора. Инструмент «Измерить» на 3D виде На 3D виде теперь можно использовать инструмент «Измерить» для измерения необходимых расстояний. Отображение видов модели в «Диспетчере проектов», добавленных на лист В Revit 2023 в «Диспетчере проектов» теперь около каждого вида есть индикация того, добавлен он на лист или нет. Замена видов на листе В панели «Свойства» при нахождении на листе в разделе «Идентификация» добавился параметр «Вид», с помощью которого можно заменить на листе один вид модели на другой например, разрез на фасад и т. В совокупности с добавленным в прошлой версии функционалом по копированию листов данный инструмент может сильно помочь при оформлении похожих листов.

Подсчет спецификаций для части чертежа, вынесенного на лист. В Revit 2023 в настройке фильтров спецификаций добавилась опция фильтрации данных для элементов, которые расположены на листе со спецификацией. Это позволяет более быстро выводить только те данные, которые необходимы, не прибегая к вводу дополнительных параметров для фильтрации элементов.

It has several options to really customize it. To turn it on, you will need to navigate to the File tab in the upper right and then select the Options button. There is a new tab in this property box named Colors.

In this tab, you will be able to set Dark Theme or Light Theme with the dropdown. The rest of the colors can be customized in each theme using RGB colors. After making the change to Dark Theme, the UX and drawing area will go dark. The nice thing is that the drawing area can be controlled separately. This is a really nice feature for those that like dark theme in the UX but still want the white background in the drawing area. You will find that some property boxes will still be in Light Theme.

Autodesk will likely get to all of these properties boxes in future, but this is certainly a great start. This new visual style is in between Consistent Colors and Realistic. If there is no image applied to the material, the Texture visual style will simply use the RGB color on the graphics tab. Add Multiple Views and Schedules You have always been able to drag one view from Project Browser to a Sheet, but now Revit has added the ability to do multiple at a time. Once you have all the views selected, you can drag them into the sheet. You can also do this from the View tab by selecting the View icon, which will open a window that will also allow you to select multiple views at a time.

But, overall this is a really nice feature and a time saver. Resize All Schedule Rows We always like seeing schedule updates in new Revit releases and this one is a nice one. Revit has added the ability to resize all rows in a schedule.

Structural engineers and rebar detailers have new capabilities for creating, scheduling, and documenting rebar. Use the new bar bending details to: Create reinforcement drawings and schedules with detailed fabrication instructions. With this new tool in Revit, when the model changes, the details adapt along with it. Add and customize rebar bending details so that your views and sheets respect your typical practice.

Reduce errors and omissions in your document sets. Evolve work together.

Обновление Revit 2024: что нового?

Autodesk Revit 2024 brings a plethora of new features and improvements to enhance your BIM experience. Revit 2024 features new site tools, modernized user interface, and other enhancements requested from the community. Autodesk Revit 2024 для проектирования зданий и сооружений. Скачать Autodesk Revit 2024 торрент Repack с активацией можно на нашем сайте бесплатно. Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor. Revit 2024 выходит на рынок по всему миру! В этом выпуске Autodesk объединили долгожданные дополнения, такие как инструменты сайта для ландшафтных дизайнеров, с улучшениями. Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor.

What’s new in Revit 2024 | Revit Tips #19

The release of Revit Software 2024 is intriguing, but the software may be evolving slower than the industry would prefer. Here are the latest updates about what's new in Revit 2024 from the architects at BIMsmith. When starting Revit 2024, you'll immediately notice the extensive selection of sample projects available, more than in previous versions.

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You can create toposolids from sketch or CAD imports, just select layers that contain points. You can use Split tool from the Modify tab to split a toposlid into multiple toposolids. You can use Graded Region tool on toposolids in Existing phase. Grading of surface points at toposolids works the same way as the shape editor at floors. Sub-Divide tool replaced Subregion tool. You can use Sub-Divide to apply different materials to a toposolid. Then you can set material and height thickness for each sub-division. Mass void replaced Building Pad tool. Create void mass and use the Cut tool to create hole in the Toposolid. This workflow is less comfortable than using Building Pad tool but it enables to create any shape for site excavations or tunnels. Cutting enabled for topography.

You can cut a toposolid with other toposolids or with elements in other categories, including walls, floors, structural foundations, etc. In previous versions of Revit, you probably used railings to create curbs. In this version you can use Floor Slab Edge, but take into account that it can only be placed on the edge of the toposolid, the edge of subdivision is not supported. Modernized and improved user interface Dark theme. Revit provides dark theme which allows you to set AutoCAD-style interface. The color of the main window can be set separately using Canvas Theme tool located in the View tab. My Insight panel. At Revit Home you can find new My Insights panel. From here you can preview usage data and the most used commands, and find out how to optimize workflows. The icons look more modern.

New sample project imperial only. Snowdon Towers, a mixed-use building model that you can use as an example and learning resource.

And you can do this in Revit versions 2020 and up!!!

Seamless integration of the new Toposolid category — The Topography Tools dialog integrates the new Toposolid category as if it were always there, including: A special switcher that lets you easily switch between Toposolids and Toposurfaces. A drop-down list for selecting a Type when creating or editing a Toposolid Toposolids are Type-based elements. See your contour lines as you work — Improving site design precision and accuracy, you can now view contour lines as you make changes to your surface.

Smart extrapolation — And one more. This is a real game-changer when designing sites with irregular shapes and boundaries. For more details about the Topography Tools for Toposolid read this post.

We also added the option to customize your Assembly Tag family while editing the parameter settings. You can add specific elements or Assemblies to a Planting Region, and you can use the command to update existing Planting Regions.

Используйте новые детали для гибки прутков, чтобы: Создайте чертежи и графики усиления с подробными инструкциями по изготовлению. С помощью этого нового инструмента в Revit, когда модель меняется, детали адаптируются вместе с ней. Добавляйте и настраивайте детали гибки арматуры таким образом, чтобы ваши виды и листы соответствовали вашей обычной практике. Сократите количество ошибок и пропусков в ваших наборах документов. Работа вместе Привязка модели координации из Autodesk Docs к Revit упрощает для проектных команд синхронизацию и координацию результатов проектирования. Сохраняйте файлы проекта легкими, а команды - на одной странице.

Hao Wang Workflow Revit is a powerful tool for building information modeling BIM , which allows architects, engineers, and construction professionals to create, design, and manage building data in a collaborative way. With the update of Revit 2024 comes some exciting new features including Site Tools for landscape designers and bar bending details. In response to popular demand, Revit 2024 has also introduced a dark theme. Working with this professional design software, architects and landscape designers may need to visualize their Revit models in a realistic and immersive way, allowing them to quickly make changes, improve collaboration, and better communicate design ideas.

Best 9 New Features in Revit 2024

Главная Каталог Лицензионное ПО AutodeskAutodesk Revit 2024 для Windows лицензионный ключ активации. С выходом нового 2024 Revit было связано много ожиданий, изменения в инструменте работы с рельефом требовались давно. In conclusion, Revit 2024 brings a host of exciting new features and enhancements that improve usability, enhance visual representation, and streamline workflows.

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