Новости фикбук гарри поттер дафна гринграсс

Гарри Поттер и Дафна Гринграсс фанфики (53 фото) из раздела Арты на Кроте. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «женщина, эмбер херд, гарри поттер». Дафну Гринграсс. Мысль: Гарри Поттер и Дафна Гринграсс – персонажи, чьи истории захватывают и затягивают нас в волшебство и приключения, где все границы стираются. Daphne Greengrass diary. В порыве злости подростки то приближались друг к другу запредельно, то наоборот, отскакивали как можно дальше.

Самые любимые фанфики по Драмионе — 20 книг

Пейринг: Гарри Поттер Рейтинг: PG-13 Жанр: Adventure Размер: Макси Статус: Закончен События: Путешествие во времени, Гарри на темной стороне Саммари: Смерть не является решением всех проблем. Странный он Гарри Поттер, мало того что дружит черт его знает с кем, так еще и сам неизвестно кто. «Гарри Поттер», Гарри Поттер (кроссовер) Основные персонажи: Гарри Поттер (Мальчик-Который-Выжил) Рейтинг: R Жанры: Гет, Джен, Юмор, Экшн (action),Повседневность, POV, AU, Стёб События: Волдеморт побежден, Воскрешение мертвых, ПостХогвартс, Сильный Гарри. Лучший ответ про гарри поттер и дафна гринграсс дан 05 февраля автором егор крестьянов.

Дафна Гринграсс - персонаж "Гарри Поттера"

Темный Лорд и Гарри Поттер захватили власть и устроили настоящий геноцид грязнокровок. Британия утонула в крови, и Дамблдор решился провести древний магический ритуал, который позволил бы ему спасти мир. С момента победы на Темным Лордом прошло 20 лет. Шрам не болел, и, как было написано в «Дарах смерти», все действительно было хорошо. Но все изменилось, когда из Азкабана вырвались оборотни-мутанты, созданные еще при жизни Волан-де-Морта. Беглецы мстят Гарри Поттеру и его семье за долгие годы заточения. В ходе битвы с новыми врагами погибает жена Гарри — Джинни, а ее брат Рон становится оборотнем. Но если повзрослевшего героя ждут только горе и разочарование, то его дети, напротив, переживают лучшие моменты в жизни: Джеймс Поттер находит себе верного соратника и друга — Скорпиуса Малфоя, который влюбляется в его сестру — Лили.

В этом фанфике Гарри Поттер попадает на факультет Слизерин и у него есть брат Джим, который считается тем самым «мальчиком, который выжил». Необычная история, в которой не происходит никакой романтики до четвертого курса обучения, а из позитивных персонажей можно выделить лишь Дамблдора и Уизли.

Harry Potter, Wizarding Savior? He is alone once again.

However, one Slytherin has big plans for him... Moving On by The Unusual Suspect reviews Harry overhears a conversation between his two best friends which leaves him in tatters. He then happens to meet a certain Slytherin witch. After saving Dudley from the dementors, the ministry letter arrives to order his wand snapped.

Rating may change. He has big plans to win the war and change the world in the process, but who will be loyal to him?

Каждая фотография - отдельная история, которая может вдохновить вас на создание своего собственного фанфика или расширение существующих идей. Гарри Поттер и Дафна Гринграсс фанфики - это возможность погрузиться в мир волшебства и приключений, где границы и ограничения существуют только в вашей фантазии. Не упустите шанс узнать больше о них и насладиться уникальными фотографиями, которые оживят ваше воображение.

Plausible Deniability : Daphne observes that Umbridge is probably relying on Fudge maintaining this to her actions at Hogwarts, allowing her to use the Blood Quill and other such punishments as nobody told her not to do so. Psychic Block Defence : When learning Occlumency, Harry and Daphne are given more detailed instruction by Snape, allowing them to better refine their mental defences. You complete coward! Relationship Upgrade : Harry and Daphne "officially" become a couple at the Yule Ball, and Ginny is added to the dynamic the following year. Right Through the Wall : When the group are staying at Grimmauld Place, Harry notes that Hermione and Ron kept him up on various nights, and he enjoys "payback" by sharing similar moments with Ginny and Daphne. Used against Dumbledore by Fudge, who draws up a rule that forbids anyone teaching at Hogwarts if they have a previous criminal conviction; the rule is phrased in such a manner that Dumbledore cannot hire Sirius as the Defence teacher and Hagrid has to be fired from his own teaching role even their "convictions" were overturned and both were proven innocent. On the bright side, this same rule prevents Umbridge having the power to assess and fire Hagrid from Hogwarts as his role as gamekeeper is distinct from a teaching position. Running Gag : Daphne and her tendency to off-handedly say things that come true. It eventually evolves into her discovering her potential as a Seer. Talking with Bill, Daphne learns that Secret-Keepers are generally discouraged from living in a property that they are keeping secret as their presence will cause the charm to decay, which justifies why James and Lily had someone else be their Secret Keeper rather than do it themselves. Sexy Discretion Shot : Quite a number of the later chapters end with some characters about to get intimate, and the next chapter begins on the next day with much satisfaction. Ship Tease : Chapter 45 has many of these moments between Harry and Daphne, from a comment about the Terminator leading to both of them imagining arriving naked, to both of them falling onto each other when they come out of a Portkey teleport, and Harry keeping on his heated bracelet that Daphne got him as a belated birthday present last year. Sirius once answers a summons with a "You rang? Shut Up, Hannibal! Speak Friend and Enter : With her knowledge of the Ministry, Daphne helps the group through the Department of Mysteries and its rotating doors by simply asking where the room they want to go to is, whereupon the correct door opens. Ron is a bit incredulous at the simplicity, to which Daphne points out they need to know the exact name of the room to find it. Ginny and Daphne both tell Harry " I love you. Voldemort is expelled instantly. However, events start to diverge more from canon as time goes on, such as Sirius being officially cleared and Barty Crouch Junior impersonating his father rather than Moody. Take That! Harry eventually calls her out on this self-sacrificing attitude. Tempting Fate : After Daphne does this at least three times, making offhand comments about fighting trolls, Harry and Ron crashing into the Whomping Willow and Ginny being the Heir of Slytherin that all later come true, she decides to take Divination to see if she has potential as a Seer. She later invokes this by off-handedly saying where a captured Luna and Ollivander could be, which leads them straight to Malfoy Manor. Here We Go Again! Also, after she sees her father killed in front of her during the Battle of Hogwarts, she switches to using the Killing Curse herself. Also applies to Harry himself at the start of fifth year, as having Daphne for emotional support during the summer has helped him calm the worst of his temper issues from this point in canon. Tranquil Fury : Daphne falls into this after seeing her father killed in front of her during the Battle of Hogwarts, and she starts using lethal spells with cold efficiency. Trojan Prisoner : In order to infiltrate Malfoy Manor to rescue Luna and Ollivander, it is planned that several Order members will be disguised as Snatchers who have captured Harry and Hermione in order to gain entrance. True Companions : By sixth year, Harry takes it for granted that, whenever he has to go off to properly confront Voldemort, Daphne, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron will be coming with him.

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  • Дафна Гринграсс - персонаж Гарри Поттера. - Астафьев Блог

Загадочная Дафна Гринграсс в мире Гарри Поттера: тайны, скрытые во мраке!

В экранизации "Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана" есть эпизодическое появление самой Дж. Роулинг, а также неожиданное появление будущей звезды сериала "Доктор Кто" Дэвида Теннанта. Франшиза о Гарри Поттере послужила основой для создания собственного тематического парка "Волшебный мир Гарри Поттера", который расположен в Орландо, Голливуде и Осаке. В парках есть аттракционы, развлечения и рестораны, которые оживляют волшебный мир Гарри Поттера.

Thank you for giving me feedbacks before and I would greatly appreciate it if I receive more from you lovely people!

I am only writing this for entertaining purposes. Everything stated here are just part or a figment of my crazy, wild, imagination. Not only did he ignored her for many years but he even caused her to die unexpectedly. After being reborn, Xie Miao thought: getting married is risky but being single can save your life.

Aunt, I have a destiny with Buddha, please allow me to become a nun! Cousin Cui Mu Li:... A Miao, what nonsense are you talking about! Do you want me to help you get out.

The pretentious cousin Xie Miao was reborn. She was no longer infatuated with her cousin Cui Mu Li and only wanted to become a monk. In the process, she won the admiration of Cui Mu Li and her arch-enemy Zhou Nian Nan with her smart and true character.

The Idealist : Snape observes that Dumbledore and McGonagall basically act as though the world is the way they want it to be, whereas he considers himself a realist who deals with things the way they are. If I Wanted You Dead... Her vision in the Mirror of Erised is being publicly accepted by her parents for her friendships at a point when she feared rejection , and her Boggart in third year is Harry cruelly dismissing the idea that he would ever be friends with her. Even though the Order of the Lightning Bolt is able to remain secret as Marietta Edgecombe never betrays them, Dumbledore is still "forced" out of Hogwarts and Umbridge makes herself Headmistress.

In the final battle, Remus, Tonks and Fred still die, although Sirius survives the whole series. During the final battle, Daphne feels responsible when her father is killed while talking to her as she worries that she distracted him, but when she summons him with the Resurrection Stone Edmund assures her that he was still alert while talking to her and the enemy just got lucky. Jack of All Trades : When discussing potential champions for the Triwizard Tournament, Daphne points out to Seamus that a Hufflepuff might be a good choice as they are the house of hard workers who get down to things, where Gryffindors are reckless, Ravenclaws bookworms, and Slytherins often pragmatic rather than skilled. She explicitly states that she and Snape need to work more on valuing their own lives rather than basically acting like they want to die.

After Daphne tells Harry that just a good talk between him, Ron and a bossy Hermione would help mend fenced between them. He brings it up in the next scene when they see the blast-ended skrewts. Later on, the group agree to divide up when searching for clues to other Horcruxes, with Hermione and Daphne in separate groups as they have the extended bags with their supplies and Ron, Harry and Ginny intending to rotate between the other two. Love Confession : Harry and Daphne first say "I love you" to the other during an argument about how Harry is dealing with Umbridge.

Magic A Is Magic A : Discussing the various methods of Divination with a qualified Seer, Daphne is informed that each known method of seeing the future has its particular strengths and weaknesses; tea-reading offers insight into minor things, palmistry is relatively useless as it focuses on physical ailments that can be dealt with by magic, and crystal balls are generally the most accurate even if the visions can be changed. Large-scale spells like the Trace and the Taboo spell Voldemort placed on his name are based on similar large-scale magics, which allows a qualified curse-breaker to devise a means of basically shielding Ginny from the Trace by identifying the influence of the Taboo spell and comparing it to the energies of the Trace. However, she is usually outvoted by Sirius and the Greengrasses. Cho later thanks Harry for helping her to move on.

She also later carries around the Stone in a mokeskin pouch to allow others to say goodbye to their loved ones, such as allowing Mrs. Weasley to say goodbye to Fred. When Daphne mentions that Riddle knew her paternal grandfather, her mother mentions that Richard Greengrass was one of the first people to turn away from the ideas of blood purity, and the two strongly speculate that Riddle may have been responsible for that shift. She is so disturbed being put under it in Defense class even though all she did was perform a few cartwheels that she throws up, has to go to the hospital wing, and just thinking back on it makes her feel like she needs a fifteen-year shower.

Noodle Implements : While Aunt Marge is over at the Dursleys, the Greengrasses come to collect Harry out from under their thumb, under the guise of being enforcers from St. Noodle Incident : Daphne had some bad past experience that left her uncomfortable around Moaning Myrtle, to the extent that she actively avoids letting Myrtle see her. A seer discusses an experiment where multiple Seers studied crystal balls about the future of one man with a terminal illness and managed to find a cure for his condition in the form of a thought-to-be-extinct plant he discovered during his final journey. A good description of the reaction when Harry and his allies realise that Umbridge has the locket horcrux.

Open-Minded Parent : When Harry, Ginny and Daphne reveal their relationship, Sirius and the Greengrasses are quick to accept the dynamic, although Molly takes some time to be talked down from her immediate disapproval to adopting a policy of just leaving the matter alone. Edmund is a champion duelist and worker at the Department of Mysteries, and Amaranth is a Quidditch maniac , former Chaser for the Yorkshire Yetis, and current manager for the Suffolk Scourges. The Password Is Always "Swordfish" : Brought up when Daphne goes to confront Snape before the final battle and finds that the password is apparently "Dumbledore"; she guesses that Snape ensures that the Carrows and other Death Eater loyalists never have reason to visit his office and hear the password. Pets as a Present : Harry sends Daphne a Kneazle as a belated birthday present after third year.

Plausible Deniability : Daphne observes that Umbridge is probably relying on Fudge maintaining this to her actions at Hogwarts, allowing her to use the Blood Quill and other such punishments as nobody told her not to do so.

He is alone once again. However, one Slytherin has big plans for him... Moving On by The Unusual Suspect reviews Harry overhears a conversation between his two best friends which leaves him in tatters. He then happens to meet a certain Slytherin witch. After saving Dudley from the dementors, the ministry letter arrives to order his wand snapped. Rating may change.

He has big plans to win the war and change the world in the process, but who will be loyal to him? Including one unexpected friend: Daphne Greengrass.

Гарри поттер и дафна гринграсс

Гарри Поттеру надоело, что Волшебный мир отказывается смотреть правде в глаза. В этом фанфике Гарри Поттер попадает на факультет Слизерин и у него есть брат Джим, который считается тем самым «мальчиком, который выжил». Harry Potter was Turned at a young age, raised by Albus Dumbledore and found a mortal enemy in a previous friend, Daphne Greengrass all before his Hogwarts letter is even written. vampire!Harry ADMM HPDG TBHG.

Фанфики с участием персонажей: Гарри Поттер Дафна Гринграсс картинки

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Дафна Гринграсс - персонаж "Гарри Поттера"

Само собой разумеется, что Дафна тоже не принадлежала к кругу друзей Гарри, даже входила в инквизиторский отряд вредной директрисы Амбридж. А в фильме у нее совсем крохотная роль, ничем не запоминающаяся и совершенно не впечатляющая. Это вполне объяснимо, потому что при экранизации произведений режиссеры всегда обязаны укладываться в отведенные фильму время и бюджет, поэтому они часто вырезают из сюжета то, что, по их мнению, не особо важно. Кто такая Хлоя Рич Какой маленькой ни была бы роль, ее все равно должен кто-то сыграть.

Одной из десятков эпизодических актрис стала Хлоя Рич. Дафна Гринграсс у нее получилась стройной блондинкой с серо-голубыми глазами и аристократическим выражением лица. Все так и должно было быть, ведь по книге Дафна из древнего рода, известного и уважаемого в стране.

Сама Хлоя Рич — миловидная блондинка с длинными волосами и голубыми глазами. Ее рост - 1,63 метра, вес - 51 кг. В 2012 году она закончила в Италии Академию сценического искусства, живет в Англии.

Хлоя была занята в более чем полутора десятках картин, но всегда играла только крохотные роли в небольших эпизодах короткометражных фильмов. В «Гарри Потере» она - Дафна Гринграсс. Актриса не расстраивается, что не получает более значимых ролей.

О себе она говорит, что начала выступать с 7 лет и всегда мечтала играть в музыкальных постановках, чем в основном и занимается. Дафна на страницах романа про Поттера В книге этой героине выделено немного больше места, чем в фильме. Нам сообщается, что она из знатного рода волшебников, поэтому тоже получила приглашение поступить в школу Хогвартс, где была распределена на факультет Слизерин.

У нее есть младшая сестра, которую звать Астория ее сыграла Джейд Гордон. Почему-то Дафна Гринграсс, хоть и старшая дочь, но невестой в книге не стала. Ее родители сперва выдали замуж младшую, причем нашли ей в мужья не кого-нибудь, а Драко Малфоя.

Почему Дж. Роулинг сочинила именно так? Возможно, здесь прослеживается параллель с мифической нимфой?

Но если так, почему нет развития этой идеи? Писательница ничего по этому поводу не объясняет. Она в то время дружила с Томом Фелтоном сыгравшим роль Драко Малфоя , впоследствии ставшим ее мужем не только в фильме, но и в жизни.

Джейд больше известна не как актриса, а как помощник режиссера.

Во-первых, Гермиона не верит, когда Гарри говорит ей, что он не бросал свое имя в кубок. А во-вторых, Гарри заводит с Дафной Гринграсс дружбу ещё с первого курса , которая перерастает в нечто большее.

Магглы возрождают зловещий культ поклонения Древним Богам.

Министерство магии в панике: оно так долго пытались скрыть сам факт их существования! Кто победит: магический мир или культисты?.. Почему-то в первую главу не загружается текст, поэтому фик начинается во второй главе.

Актриса не расстраивается, что не получает более значимых ролей. О себе она говорит, что начала выступать с 7 лет и всегда мечтала играть в музыкальных постановках, чем в основном и занимается. Дафна на страницах романа про Поттера В книге этой героине выделено немного больше места, чем в фильме. Нам сообщается, что она из знатного рода волшебников, поэтому тоже получила приглашение поступить в школу Хогвартс, где была распределена на факультет Слизерин. У нее есть младшая сестра, которую звать Астория ее сыграла Джейд Гордон.

Почему-то Дафна Гринграсс, хоть и старшая дочь, но невестой в книге не стала. Ее родители сперва выдали замуж младшую, причем нашли ей в мужья не кого-нибудь, а Драко Малфоя. Почему Дж. Роулинг сочинила именно так? Возможно, здесь прослеживается параллель с мифической нимфой? Но если так, почему нет развития этой идеи? Писательница ничего по этому поводу не объясняет. Она в то время дружила с Томом Фелтоном сыгравшим роль Драко Малфоя , впоследствии ставшим ее мужем не только в фильме, но и в жизни.

Джейд больше известна не как актриса, а как помощник режиссера. Работая над проектом «Гарри Поттер», она и познакомилась с Томом Фелтоном. Снялась Джейд всего в нескольких фильмах, сейчас с семьей живет в Америке. В «Гарри Поттере» ее героиня Астория и Дафна Гринграсс, хоть являются родными сестрами, внешне очень разные. Одна - брюнетка, другая - блондинка, одна - очаровательная красавица, другая - никому не раскрывающая душу аристократка, затаившая обиду на родителей, первой выдавших замуж младшую сестру. Роль у Джейд Гордон тоже маленькая. Более всего она запомнилась уже взрослой, на перроне, где совместно с мужем Драко провожала в школу волшебников своего сына Скорпиуса. Биография Дафны По книге эта девушка принадлежала к весьма знатному роду Гринграссов, сильнейших волшебников и магов, что отмечено в «Справочнике Чистокровных», изданном в 1930 году.

Туда входят семьи, в которых никогда не было даже дальних родственников «не магов». Способности творить чудеса переняла и Дафна Гринграсс. Фото этой героини не так много, чаще в интернете попадаются ее рисованные образы, например, вместе с сестрой. Родилась Дафна в 1980 году, то есть является ровесницей Гарри Поттера. По этой причине она одновременно с ним зачисляется на учебу, сдает экзамены, переживает все события, происходящие в Хогвартсе.

Дафнагринграсс Истории

гарри поттер, potter, harry, гарри, pottermore. Рейтинг Alexa: #1,132,565 Google PageRank: 0 из 10 Яндекс ТИЦ: 0. «Гарри Поттер», Гарри Поттер (кроссовер) Основные персонажи: Гарри Поттер (Мальчик-Который-Выжил) Рейтинг: R Жанры: Гет, Джен, Юмор, Экшн (action),Повседневность, POV, AU, Стёб События: Волдеморт побежден, Воскрешение мертвых, ПостХогвартс, Сильный Гарри. Гарри поттер и дафна гринграсс., Дафна Гринграсс арт 62 фото. Автор: Леди Селестина Основные персонажи: Гарри Поттер, Дафна Гринграсс Пэйринг: Гарри Поттер/Дафна [ ]. Walter Benjamin- edit by Hannah Arendt, Harry Zohn.

Подборка моих любимых фанфиков по Поттериане

После того как Гарри Поттер фактически спас его от гибели, Драко Малфой существенно пересмотрел свое мировоззрение, осознав, что многие принципы отца были ошибочными. Гарри Поттер мертв. После окончания войны, чтобы укрепить свою власть, Волдеморт прибегает к программе повышения рождаемости и возрождения магического населения. Дафну Гринграсс шипперят (ставят в пару) с Гарри Поттером (пейринг Гарри Поттер/Дафна Гринграсс наиболее популярен), Блейзом Забини, встречаются нестандартные пейринги с Оливером Вудом, Ли Джорданом и даже (!). Гарри Поттер погиб, Движение Сопротивления продолжает его дело.

Гарри Поттер вики

I have included a list of my favorites below, with the essential caveat that I only include complete stories, which means that numerous fantastic abandoned stories were unfortunately left out. To begin with, the characters are both adults, which is unusual. Daphne is your calculating Slytherin, Tracey is her ever-present buddy, Harry asks for her assistance, and the two come up with a plan. Serious Scribble unadorned: Unadorned is a beautifully written different approximately Aurora Harry Potter, who meets the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. It may be one of the first stories to include the Ice Queen, written in 2005!

The first narrative follows Daphne as she gives a eulogy for Harry Potter and confesses to being his girlfriend.

Зелёные глаза от удивления распахнулись широко. Она потеряла, или забыла, свою вещь тут давно. Открыв первую страничку, девушка сразу погрузилась в былые времена. Вот она гуляет летом в с любимой лошадью, а вот Гарри Поттер снова влез в какую - то авантюру, которая коснулась и её. Вот они прогуливаются с Кейт и принимают Пэнси в своей комнате.

На лице непроизвольно появилась тёплая улыбка. Сейчас же все выросли, у всех свой бизнесс, своя работа, а у некоторых даже семьи. Быстро идёт время, даже не успеваешь за ним. Ещё минуту простояв в коридоре, шатенка опомнилась, и подумала что будет некрасиво заставлять детей ждать. Но перед тем как отвечать на их вопросы она сделает кое - что. На диване и на полу уже расселись дети, дожидаясь хозяйку поместья.

В зале стоял тихий гул, ребята переговаривались о незначительных вещах. Когда же к ним зашла Дафна - повисла тишина. Примостившись посреди дивана, девушка взглянула на дневник и.. Огонь резко стал больше, и тепло прошлось по всей комнате.

Intrigued at her actions, Harry talks with her after the class and the two start to form a cautious friendship, which extends to Hermione and Ron. The fic can be found here. Even then, Higgs told Daphne at one point that even if he and Harry had an equal shot at the Snitch same broom, same distance, spotted it at the same time, etc. Always Someone Better : Daphne is a good chess player, but swiftly acknowledges Ron as her better; out of twenty games they played in first year, she only won three. Amazingly Embarrassing Parents : Even aside from them teasing her about her crush on Harry, Daphne is somewhat uncomfortable when her parents show up to the Quidditch World Cup obeying the rule to dress like muggles by dressing like eighties punk rockers.

Especially since they have seats in the Top Box, meaning that all eyes will be on them when the prize is given. Ambiguously Bi : Fleur kisses Daphne after the second task, as thanks for helping Harry save her sister, but this is dismissed as just a French thing. Armor-Piercing Response : The best description of how Daphne confronts Hermione about her beliefs regarding house-elves; she summons her own family house-elf, Finny, to give Hermione an example of a happy elf who serves a good family, as opposed to the more negative examples presented by Dobby and Winky. Ascended Fanboy : Ginny is a female version of this as she is excited to meet Amaranth Pyrites, now Amaranth Greengrass; Ginny notes that she is aware of all major female Quidditch players going back years as she had to know all their names to put her brothers in their place. Author Appeal : The author has mentioned an appreciation for writing magic duels and the psychology that goes into them, because of how it relates to their interest in fencing and krav maga. Badass on Paper : When the Prophet suggests that Peter Pettigrew has become a rallying point for the recent mass escape from Azkaban, Harry acknowledges that Wormtail sounds tough when looking at him as a mass murderer who stayed hidden for over a decade, even if the reality is that most of that was luck. Bait-and-Switch : Harry and co. The year ends with Barty Crouch Jr. Her reaction to the "cup" comment was enough.

Because You Were Nice to Me : More accurately, Daphne is able to ask the centaurs for help with her Divination work looking at the movements of the stars because she asked them out of genuine respect rather than just demanding they help her. Blonde, Brunette, Redhead : The main pairing. Daphne is blonde, Harry is dark-haired, and Ginny is a redhead. Hermione also qualifies as the brunette when the three girls in the friend group are hanging out together. Bodyguarding a Badass : Ron does this for Daphne during the infiltration of Malfoy Manor, as she needs to focus on discerning the nature of the Anti-Apparation Jinx around the manor so that Bill can break it and allow everyone to escape. Brainwashed : Daphne is very disturbed by her brief experience under the Imperius curse. Casual Kink : Brought up when Daphne suggests that she and Ginny could try roleplay at some future date and Ginny starts blushing. However, he dies two years later in the Battle of Hogwarts. The Chew Toy : Isaac, the male Slytherin prefect when Daphne starts at Hogwarts, has been cursed since his second year with chronic bad luck, to the extent that he is a victim of the Basilisk despite being a Slytherin he is attacked instead of Colin.

The City vs. Unlike the stereotypical Slytherin, however, she appreciates the homely atmosphere of the house. Combat Clairvoyance : Daphne asks if this kind of Divination is possible to master in a duel, and is informed that there is such a technique, but it is difficult to learn how to do it properly and becomes harder with multiple opponents. Ginny shares similar sentiments when the two are on a date in Hogsmeade, each girl acknowledging that they want to do more to help others but are unsure what that should be. Disproportionate Retribution : Umbridge issuing a lifetime Quidditch ban on Harry and the Weasley twins is more clearly presented as this, as in this version of events Harry never even attacked Malfoy beyond diversionary flying and Crabbe actually attacked them with his bat even after the game was over. In the end, the lifetime bans are revoked and only George is given a one-match ban.

On the bright side, this same rule prevents Umbridge having the power to assess and fire Hagrid from Hogwarts as his role as gamekeeper is distinct from a teaching position. Running Gag : Daphne and her tendency to off-handedly say things that come true. It eventually evolves into her discovering her potential as a Seer.

Talking with Bill, Daphne learns that Secret-Keepers are generally discouraged from living in a property that they are keeping secret as their presence will cause the charm to decay, which justifies why James and Lily had someone else be their Secret Keeper rather than do it themselves. Sexy Discretion Shot : Quite a number of the later chapters end with some characters about to get intimate, and the next chapter begins on the next day with much satisfaction. Ship Tease : Chapter 45 has many of these moments between Harry and Daphne, from a comment about the Terminator leading to both of them imagining arriving naked, to both of them falling onto each other when they come out of a Portkey teleport, and Harry keeping on his heated bracelet that Daphne got him as a belated birthday present last year. Sirius once answers a summons with a "You rang? Shut Up, Hannibal! Speak Friend and Enter : With her knowledge of the Ministry, Daphne helps the group through the Department of Mysteries and its rotating doors by simply asking where the room they want to go to is, whereupon the correct door opens. Ron is a bit incredulous at the simplicity, to which Daphne points out they need to know the exact name of the room to find it. Ginny and Daphne both tell Harry " I love you. Voldemort is expelled instantly.

However, events start to diverge more from canon as time goes on, such as Sirius being officially cleared and Barty Crouch Junior impersonating his father rather than Moody. Take That! Harry eventually calls her out on this self-sacrificing attitude. Tempting Fate : After Daphne does this at least three times, making offhand comments about fighting trolls, Harry and Ron crashing into the Whomping Willow and Ginny being the Heir of Slytherin that all later come true, she decides to take Divination to see if she has potential as a Seer. She later invokes this by off-handedly saying where a captured Luna and Ollivander could be, which leads them straight to Malfoy Manor. Here We Go Again! Also, after she sees her father killed in front of her during the Battle of Hogwarts, she switches to using the Killing Curse herself. Also applies to Harry himself at the start of fifth year, as having Daphne for emotional support during the summer has helped him calm the worst of his temper issues from this point in canon. Tranquil Fury : Daphne falls into this after seeing her father killed in front of her during the Battle of Hogwarts, and she starts using lethal spells with cold efficiency.

Trojan Prisoner : In order to infiltrate Malfoy Manor to rescue Luna and Ollivander, it is planned that several Order members will be disguised as Snatchers who have captured Harry and Hermione in order to gain entrance. True Companions : By sixth year, Harry takes it for granted that, whenever he has to go off to properly confront Voldemort, Daphne, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron will be coming with him. Unspoken Plan Guarantee : Explicitly defied during the infiltration of Malfoy Manor, which despite the plan being laid out in full beforehand, goes off more or less flawlessly and ends with Luna and Ollivander being rescued and Bellatrix captured. Word of God notes that this was intentional as a means of showing that the heroes can be capable of taking the fight to the enemy after so long on the defensive. Unusual Euphemism : After Daphne experiences what the privacy of the Room of Requirement can offer her and Harry, she jokes to Hermione about "broomstick handling" after she goes up there with Ron. The second question, then, was an obvious one, and one that Daphne felt was quite pointless to ask, yet she tried it anyway: Will Dumbledore survive the attempt? What the Hell, Hero? You Are Worth Hell : Downplayed example; after the events of fourth-year, Daphne tells Harry that she will be staying at the Dursleys with him for the first part of the summer and is willing to pay them to let her stay, since she knows he needs someone to lean on after what he experienced with Voldemort.

Дафна Гринграсс

это один из самых крупных сборников лучших фанфиков по Гарри Поттеру. Дафна Гринграсс () — ученица факультета Слизерин, однокурсница Драко Малфоя. Родилась в период между 1 сентября 1979 и 31 августа 1980 года, чистокровная волшебница, ровесница Гарри Поттера. Гарри поттер и дафна гринграсс., Дафна Гринграсс арт 62 фото. Фандом: Гарри Поттер Фанфик "Мессия" от Nia1R Пейринги: Гарри Поттер/Дафна Гринграсс Жанры: AU, Повествование от первого лица, Психология Объем произведения: Мини. сломленный, истощенный физически и эмоционально, потерявший веру и желание жить.

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