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Термин «раса» может исчезнуть из Dungeons and Dragons — его посчитали расистским

Category:Races | D&D 5e Wiki | Fandom Playable races and species in DnD 5e. Posted byBen Lawrance.
DnD 5E: 5 самых недооцененных рас персонажей Расы "DnD". Все о настольных играх.
Adventurers’ League — приключения для 5 редакции | Playable races and species in DnD 5e. Posted byBen Lawrance.

Random Encounter Table for DND 5e: Massive Collection

The Charisma Bonus is a character race ability that allows characters of that race to have a higher Charisma score than what would be allowed for their race. This, in turn, will enable them to have a higher Charisma score than other creatures of their race. This is a compelling ability to have. What Charisma Bonus does each race have? In Dungeons and Dragons, five different bonus types can be used to modify your ability score. Charisma Bonus is the bonus that can be used to alter Charisma. This bonus can be used to increase the charisma score. Charisma Bonus is a unique ability that allows a character to channel their charisma score into various skills.

The effects of the Charisma Bonus vary, depending on race and class. Charisma is how people see you and how well you can interact with others. Charisma is an essential attribute to have in Dungeons and Dragons. It can influence others around you to help you achieve your goals. Charisma is not just a valuable skill for socializing, but it is also a skill that you can use with your spells. Charisma Bonus, are you for real?

This trait means humans are found all over the world, and often have the blood of other races in their lineage. The lifespan of the typical human may be short compared to many other races, but their societies, kingdoms, and cities are built to endure the test of time.

Для меня это очень ценно и я благодарю каждого за этот вклад. Базовая подписка позволит получить ссылку для установки модуля, со сроком обновлений — два месяца. Вот это и есть та дверь, нет, врата, которые открыты ныне.

They are known to lie, cheat, and steal and to possess women. Their tricks were never malicious and always are petty or just outright silly. Those Kitsune who uses malicious tricks that causess severe bodily harm and possible death are called nogitsune. Nogitsunes are mostly the main reason why people mistrust kitsune because some cannot tell the difference between the two likewise Kitsune mistrust other humanoids who sometimes hunt them. Kitsune is also known to show loyalty to those who accept them the way they are. Kitsune is also known to show loyalty to those who accept them the way they are most open Kitsune are found in Inari shrines due to the fact that Inari is their creator. They pay tribute to kill a Kitsune in a Inari shrine invokes the wraith of the Kitsune upon you is also a great insult to have them thrown into an animal cage or as a slave because they value freedom. Physical Description: A Kitsune has a stature similar to that of an elf, being a bit shorter, and lither than a typical human of the same. In their natural form, they are much like anthropomorphic foxes. Some may have multiple colors in their fur such as multiple colors in their fur such as being mostly reddish brown with white gloves and socks. Their eyes range in color as well, though most have blue, green, or brown eyes. Albeit uncommon they may also have orange, purple, yellow, or even red eyes. They have mostly human-like hands though they do possess dark black claws at the ends of their fingers. They also have paw pads on their feet and hands, much like a fox. A Kitsune is born with a single tail, but as they grow older they gain more tails. It is very uncommon for a nine-tails Kitsune to be any less than 60 year old, growing a new tail every 5-6 year starting when they reach adulthood at 16. History Kitsune are a race of fox pepple that are quite rare. They tend to hide their Kitsune heritage while dealing with other races as a way to keep away from the discrimination and hatred built up in the legends of some of the most powerful kitsune. There are many legends floating around the world relating to powerful nine-tailed kitsune. Powerful and wise, a nine-tailed Kitsune has white or golden fur, tending to be powerful sorcerers. It is said in legend that Kitsune are born tricksters and have nigh-infinite power by the time they are fully matured. Society Kitsune society used to be a flourishing society of mages and clerics.

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Kitsune 5e | Race Guide for 5th Edition

DnD Races 5e List and Guide познакомить новичков с основами создания персонажа DnD 5e.
[Top 10] D&D: Most Popular Races A full and comprehensive list of DnD races and species for DnD 5th edition, including links to our expert-written character guides.
Dungeons & Dragons: что нужно знать о новых расах Spelljammer Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, more commonly known as D&D 5e or DnD 5e, is a fictional tabletop role-playing game. One player assumes the role of a Dungeon Master (DM), and the others each control a single character.

Dungeons & Dragons: что нужно знать о новых расах Spelljammer

Они любят все виды драгоценных камней и являются мастерами в их обработке и полировке. Гномы предпочитают жить в местах пересечённых, скалистых холмов, густо заросших лесом и населённых людьми. Их телосложение сделало их недоверчивыми к большим расам — людям и эльфам, хотя они не враждебно настроены. Они хитры и скрытны с теми, кого не знают или кому не доверяют, и до некоторой степени остаются такими даже в самых лучших обстоятельствах. Живя в шахтах и норах, они благожелательно относятся к дварфам, но считают антипатию своих родственников к обитателям поверхности глупой. Персонаж "Гном" может решить стать бойцом, вором, священником и иллюзионистом. Полу-эльфы Half-Elves Полу-эльфы наиболее распространённые представители смешанных рас. Полу-эльфы обычно сильно похожи на своего родителя эльфа. Они красивый народ, с хорошими чертами каждой своей расы.

Они свободно общаются с обеими расами, и лишь ненамного выше среднего эльфа 5 футов 6 дюймов в среднем и весят около 150 фунтов. Обычно они живут около 160 лет. У них нет способностей эльфа, и отсутствует приспособляемость, дающая персонажу неограниченный уровень. И наконец, в некоторых менее цивилизованных нациях, на полу-эльфов смотрят с подозрением и суеверием. В основном, у полу-эльфа есть любознательность, изобретательность, и честолюбие его человеческих предков, и утончённые чувства, любовь к природе, и художественный вкус его эльфийских предков. Полу-эльфы не образуют собственного сообщества; скорее их можно найти живущими в колониях эльфов и людей. Реакция людей и эльфов на полу-эльфов варьируется от скрытого восхищения до прямого расизма. Из всех получеловеческих рас полу-эльфы обладают наибольшим выбором класса персонажа.

Из них получаются хорошие друиды и рейнджеры. Полу-эльф может решить стать священником, друидом, бойцом, рейнджером, магом, волшебником специалистом, вором, или бардом. Вдобавок, полу-эльф может выбрать из большого числа мульти-классовых комбинаций. Хафлинги Halflings Хафлинги полурослики - Хафлинги умны, способны, изобретательны и преодолевают любые трудности. Они любознательны, и умеют демонстрировать мужество, которое не свойственно многим куда большим существам. Они могут быть увлечены богатством, но чаще тратят чем копят. Хафлинги имеют румяную кожу, темные прямые волосы и черные или карие глаза. Обычная продолжительность их жизни — приблизительно 150 лет.

Хафлинги крепки и трудолюбивы, в основном они тихие и мирные. В целом они предпочитают домашний уют опасностям приключений. Они наслаждаются хорошей жизнью, грубоватым юмором и простецкими историями. На самом деле, иногда они бывают немного скучными. Хафлинги ненавязчивы, но внимательны и разговорчивы в дружеской компании. Хафлинги смотрят на богатство только как на способ получения жизненных благ, которые они любят. Хотя они не безрассудно храбры и не амбициозны, они в основном честны и усердны, если в этом есть нужда. Человеческий PC может обладать любыми расовыми характеристиками, допустимыми мастером.

Но со временем на нем меньше концентрировали внимание, так как команда понимает, что "раса" — это проблематичный термин, имеющий определенный вес в реальном мире. Авторы DnD хотели дистанцироваться от аналогий, чтобы минимизировать влияние реальности на фентезийные миры. Термин "вид" все еще окончательно не подтвержден и авторы правил готовы выслушать конструктивные предложения.

Minotaurs can use their horns as natural weapons, notably dealing 1d6 damage rather than 1d4 like every other published race until they all got updated in Monsters of the Multiverse. But that alone still makes them no better than manufactured weapons. Goring Rush and Hammering Horns are what make the horns matter. Goring Rush provides the most important part of the Charger feat, while Hammering Horns allows you to push enemies 10 ft. Since their traits are so tied up in their Strength-based horns, you need to build around Strength to make them meaningful as a race. Unfortunately, the existence of the Charger and Crusher feats makes the Minotaur a niche option regardless of which version of the race you use. Charger is a rarely-used feat because its effects are difficult to bring into play repeatedly in the same encounter.

If you just want the effects of one of them, play a Custom Lineage or a Variant Human. However, official DnD lore also inludes occasional examples of playing against type, including the Many-Arrows Clan in the Forgotten Realms. Whether you want to play to the trope or play against type, the Orc is an iconic fantasy race worth playing. Mechanically, the original version of the Orc is a solid melee monster with a few unique traits. Darkvision and some extra skills are great, too, frequently giving martial classes like the Barbarian and the Fighter something to do outside of combat. Unfortunately, the custom origin rules essentially made the Orc a worse tabaxi. The updated version of the Orc published in Monsters of the Multiverse is all about durability. Borrowing Relentless Endurance from the Half-Orc also means that Adrenaline Rush needs to be better than Savage Critical and a free skill proficiency, which is a hard trade. Taken as a whole, the Owlin is outright better than the Aarakocra in everything except speed. Owlin also receive proficiency in Stealth.

Plasmoid SAiS Sapient ooze creatures from outer space, plasmoids are the first playable ooze in 5e, allowing you to live your dream of being a boneless, shapeless pool of self. That makes the Plasmoid appealing for a narrow subset of classes and builds which have Extra Attack and which generally work when build around Strength. Mechanically, the Reborn is an interesting option which shares some of the durability of the Dwarf with some unique skill options, making them an enticing choice for front-line Defenders with numerous important skills. In combat, Advantage on Death Saving Throws makes falling to 0 hit points much less scary. Taken as a whole, the Reborn is a great option for players who consider themselves unlucky and who need some mathematical backup, as well as for players who tend to get themselves killed a lot. Mechanically, the original version of the Satyr comes with some challenges. The custom origin version of the Satyr, similar to the Yuan-Ti Pureblood, works with a wide variety of classes because Magic Resistance is such a broadly useful defensive option. The Satyr also gets two skills and a tool, making the Satyr a powerful choice for any class. The updated version of the Satyr published in Monsters of the Multiverse uses an updated version of Magic Resistance which only applies to spells, making the Satyr less problematic without losing any of the things that make the Satyr fun. Since they were also returned to fixed skill proficiencies, the updated Satyr is once again predisposed to Charisma-based classes.

They also remain in competition with the Yuan-Ti for builds resistant to magic. In general, the Satyr is better for Face characters, but otherwise the Yuan-Ti is likely a better choice. Dragonborn for dragons, tieflings for fiends, and shifters for lycanthropes. Originally introduced in Eberron back in 3rd edition, the Shifter is a mostly-human humanoid descended from a lycanthrope. Mechanically, Shifters are defined almost entirely by the Shifting trait. While they share speed, Darkvision, languages, and the basic mechanics of Shifting, the rest of their traits are tied up in whatever version of Shifting your chose. This allows each variety of shifter to thrive in its own niche, but it also means that there is very little overlap between where each type of Shifter thrives. While the specifics of the mechanics vary slightly, the core concept of each variety of shifter has remained the same in 5e. Mechanically, the Simic Hybrid is really neat. Their ability score increases are perfect for any class, they get Darkvision, and the Animal Enhancement options are diverse enough that most classes can find some helpful options.

With Darkvision and a climb speed, Tabaxi can go a lot of places that other races might have trouble reaching. Be sure to use your unusual movement capabilities to surprise enemies or avoid situations which might be dangerous. The updated version of the Tabaxi published in Monsters of the Multiverse does return them at least partially to their previous niche of rogues and rogue-adjacent builds. So within the 5e canon, thri-kreen are four-armed humanoid space bugs. They have other wonderful things about them, but the four arms are certainly the most unique and eye-catching. Thri-Kreen absolutely thrive in Dexterity-based martial builds. Chameleon Carapace allows you near-constant Advantage on Stealth checks to hide. Secondary Arms encourages the use of light weapons, the best of which are frequently also Finesse weapons. Thri-Kreen are also telepathic, further encouraging them to pursue sneaky, Dexterity-based builds. Casters typically gain little benefit from the additional hands.

Tiefling PHB Tieflings are humans that bear fiendish traits due to the influence of devils in their ancestry. Mechanically, tieflings have traits which associate them with devils, such as the fire resistance, Darkvision, and innate spellcasting. Tieflings have recieved a lot of attention in the rules, giving them an unmatched number of variants and subraces, allowing you to deeply customize your character to suit your preferences. Regardless of your choice of variant or subrace, Tiefling is a very strong race option. Their ability score increases are good even without the custom origin rules, they have resistance to one of the most common types of non-weapon damage, and their innate spellcasting offers a variety of useful options depending on your subrace. If you use the custom origin rules, things get even better because you can mix and match your innate spellcasting to suit your build. While DnD has had plenty of animal-like races, this may have been the first official turtle-inspired race, and as you might expect their introduction inspired a legion of teenage mutant ninja jokes. Mechanically, the Tortle has a lot going for it.

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Dungeons & Dragons пытается избавиться от расовых стереотипов в угоду повестке

Best race choices in DnD 5E. Because the Lineage rules from “Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything” caused many races to no longer worry about ability scores, the race’s features have become far more important. познакомить новичков с основами создания персонажа DnD 5e. Отличительные знаки добровольных народных дружин днд повязка дружинника значок народного дружинника рсфср, 1970-е удостоверение дружинника знак. The 5E Racial Stat Bonus Chart is a quick reference for racial ability score bonuses in Dungeons & Dragons 5E official content. Расы "DnD". Все о настольных играх. Расы из Монстры Мультивселенной. АаракокраAarakocra MPMM+2 и +1 / +1 к тремMPMM.

Dungeons & Dragons пытается избавиться от расовых стереотипов в угоду повестке

Автор статьи резюмирует свой (небольшой) опыт игры в первую редакцию ДнД версии Молдвея, точнее ее современную реинкарнацию под названием Basic Fantasy RPG. Расы "DnD". Все о настольных играх. The good news is that this feature is entirely unique and something no other race gets. This Dhampir 5e guide will explore the lore and history of Dhampirs, the best races and classes to pair with a Dhampir, and more. Это раса, когда-то заколдованная так, чтобы исполнить любые три желания владельца Золотой шапки. 14, сохранений - 3. Присоединяйтесь к обсуждению или опубликуйте свой пост!

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DnD Races 5e List and Guide Complete overview of D&D 5e races and lineages that are available for player characters. Get inspired for backstories and optimizations.
Прегены — готовые персонажи для D&D 5e Are you rolling up a new DnD character?
Расы и происхождения D&D 5 Игровые расы ДНД. Рост рас ДНД. ДНД Паладин мемы.

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A list of premade characters for 5th edition D&D, in a variety of different classes, races, and levels. Базовые расы, как правило, более популярны отчасти потому, что они более доступны, особенно для новых игроков. What DnD 5e Races Can I Play? According to the Player’s Handbook, the most common character races are dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. Best race choices in DnD 5E. Because the Lineage rules from “Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything” caused many races to no longer worry about ability scores, the race’s features have become far more important. Instead the following list of dnd deities encompasses all the Forgotten Realms deities, or at least the current forgotten realms deities, since the pantheon has shifted from edition to edition.

Поклонники Dungeons & Dragons призывают убрать из игры термин "раса"

Dragonlance — с 1984. С 2002 до 2007 года поддерживался компанией Sovereign Press [en] , весной 2007 Wizards of the Coast отозвала лицензию. Forgotten Realms — c 1987. В состав этого сеттинга входят подсеттинги они не поддерживаются с 1999 года : Kara-Tur [en] Oriental Adventures — с 1986. Al-Qadim Arabian Adventures — с 1992. Maztica — с 1991. Spelljammer — с 1989. Dark Sun — с 1990. Planescape — с 1994. В этом сеттинге происходит действие компьютерной ролевой игры Planescape: Torment. Birthright — с 1995.

Eberron — с 2004. По состоянию на лето 2007 года активно поддерживаются разработчиками только сеттинги Forgotten Realms и Eberron. Такие миры как Dragonlance и Forgotten Realms больше известны благодаря именно романам, а не принадлежности к игре.

Также, по согласованию с мастером, игрок может составить квенту [9] — биографию персонажа, которая нужна, чтобы персонаж лучше вписывался в игровой мир. В процессе игры персонаж может изменить свои параметры, улучшить их благодаря полученному опыту. Процесс игры[ править править код ] В течение игры партия игроки, действующие вместе путешествует по миру и выполняют различные миссии и задания. Также персонажи зарабатывают деньги и получают экипировку. Игра может включать в себя множество более мелких игр, где персонажи переходят из одной в другую. Она может заканчиваться после выполнения определённой миссии, а может продолжаться бесконечно.

Опубликованные приключения обычно включают в себя историю, иллюстрации, карты и цели, которые требуется достичь игрокам. Некоторые из них включают описание местоположения и раздаточные материалы. Связанная серия приключений обычно называется «кампания» [13]. Места, где происходят эти приключения, такие как город, страна, планета или вся вымышленная вселенная, называются « сеттингом кампании» или «миром» [14]. Помимо использования готовых сеттингов, мастер может разрабатывать свои собственные вымышленные миры для использования в качестве сеттинга кампании. В первом издании требовалось наличие миниатюр настольного варгейма « Chainmail », однако в последующих редакциях роль миниатюр была снижена, благодаря возможности описывать ход сражения в устной форме [16] [16]. Большинство миниатюр имело высоту 25 миллиметров. В настоящее время официально поддерживается Wizards of the Coast.

Subrace — Lightfoot These halflings are lithe, dexterous, and more adept at acrobatic practice than their more wide-footed kin. These are also the tallest subrace of halfling. Lightfoot Halfling Traits: Lightfoots are naturally stealthy, allowing them to use any creature a size category larger than them as cover. Subrace — Ghostwise This mysterious subrace of halfling are mercurial outsiders. They often exist outside the social norms of others of their kind, and that of any other race as well. If you wish to be a mysterious and unseen character, this is a good choice. Ghostwise Halfling Traits: If you share a language with a creature within 30 feet, you can speak telepathically with them. Subrace — Stout Stout Halflings are the dwarvish-heritage small-folk that resemble their distant ancestors moreso than the other varieties. They have a stronger constitution than their bretheren, and are a better choice for characters who will be in the thick of combat more often. Stout Halfling Traits: Resistance to poison and advantage on saves against poison will come in handy on your travels. Preferred Class Halflings of any subrace make excellent Rogues, given their Dexterity and ability to reroll missed attacks. The traits provided by the lightfoot and ghostwise subraces all work favorably with a stealthy character. For Stout Halflings, you are equipped to become a melee class such as a Monk or Ranger. Half-Orc The product of cross breeding between humans and the brutish orcs, half-orcs are a proud people, bearing scars as a display of their past conquests. They are strong, tough, and quick to anger. Always eager to pick a fight, half-orcs make a good addition to any adventuring party looking to get into the rough stuff. Size and Speed: Half-Orcs are medium-sized creatures. Half-Orc Traits: Darkvision and a free proficiency in Intimidate are a good start, and it gets better from there. Half-orcs gain relentless endurance, which lets them survive a killing blow once per long rest. When scoring a critical hit, they get an extra die of damage as well. Preferred Class Half-Orcs are a brutal race and perform best as melee strikers. Barbarian and Fighter are you best options, with paladin as another standout provided you have the Charisma to fuel your class abilities. Human Humans are the most common and well-rounded race in the Forgotten Realms and any other world you may find your self adventuring. With many aesthetic varieties, they are all similarly equipped stat and skill-wise. Size and Speed: Humans are medium-sized creatures. Depending on how you roll your ability scores, this may be a better choice than the vanilla option. Preferred Class Humans are equally equipped to be any class. With flexible ability score adjustments and a feat provided by the Variant Human, you can gain an edge at first level no matter your walk of life. Tiefling The devil-touched have marks of their infernal heritage. They have horns, colored skin, strange eyes, forked tongues, or any combination thereof. Born of the underworld, and with abilities fitting of their heritage, Tieflings are a powerful race. Size and Speed: Tieflings are medium-sized creatures. Darkvision: Tieflings have great Darkvision, able to see in low light and darkness to 60 feet. Hellish Resistance: Fire is the most common damage type, and Tieflings resist it. Infernal Legacy: The best ability available to them, Tieflings gain access to spells as they advance in level, able to cast thaumaturgy, hellish rebuke, and darkness.

Хрустальный осколок Комфортный быт - вот цель большинства халфлингов. Место, где можно поселиться в тишине и покое, подальше от разоряющих всё монстров и сражающихся армий. Очаг и сытный ужин.

DnD Races 5e List and Guide

Это раса, когда-то заколдованная так, чтобы исполнить любые три желания владельца Золотой шапки. Расы ДНД 5е. Фото: Расы ДНД 5е. Наемники фэнтези арт Гильдия герои таверна 26. DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters. познакомить новичков с основами создания персонажа DnD 5e. Базовые расы, как правило, более популярны отчасти потому, что они более доступны, особенно для новых игроков. What DnD 5e Races Can I Play? According to the Player’s Handbook, the most common character races are dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans.

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