Новости ревит 2024

Revit 2024 не исключение и привносит ряд значительных улучшений по сравнению с предыдущей версией 2023.

AutoCAD 2024 и Revit 2024

In Revit 2024, the add-in has been updated to reveal the full geometry of elements which are within the visible portion of the cropped view when the sectioning tool is disabled. Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor. Here are the latest updates about what's new in Revit 2024 from the architects at BIMsmith. The release of Revit Software 2024 is intriguing, but the software may be evolving slower than the industry would prefer. Autodesk Revit 2024, the latest version, has just been released with a range of nice new features and improvements.

What’s new in Revit 2024 | Revit Tips #19

Выступаем на конференциях, проводим лекции, преподаём в нескольких школах и университетах, помогаем с трудоустройством. Присоединяйтесь к нам, делитесь мнением, задавайте вопросы, получайте новые знания - растите и развивайтесь!

There have been several improvements with the introduction of toposolids such as the ability to cut the toposolids and also incorporate thickened layers to create raised solid regions. These can be used to represent basic landscaping and roads. In the example below, a toposolid has been excavated around concrete foundations by cutting the family from the solid. If required, the excavated volume can then be displayed. The second example shows a retaining wall. The toposolid can be cut vertically on the back face of the wall which makes editing the toposolid very simple.

If desired, cut and fill can also be calculated with a toposurface by using graded regions. Sheet, Revision and View updates Building on the updates from the previous releases, Autodesk are making working with sheets a little easier. In Revit 2024 we can now move views between sheets and keep alignments and positions. The best feature is being able to add a revision to multiple sheets. Multiple views can now be moved to other sheets either by selecting the views or simply dragging and dropping from the project browser. Revision clouds can now be scheduled which, again, has been a long-standing request from users. The revision schedule can be created in a similar way to any other schedule. However, we now can schedule fields from the Revision, Sheet, View and the Project Information which is useful when issuing sheets.

Structural Updates As in the previous release, the focus remains on the workflows and toolsets with the analytical modeling process. Also, we see some strengthening of the reinforcement tools with the addition of bending details and alignment control when using freeform rebar. I will also look at the update from Revit 2023. Loads have been overhauled and the older non hosted loads have been replaced with parametric, intelligent Point, Line and Area loads. These new tools are easier to use and increase accuracy and predictability when creating loads in Revit. Reinforcement Let us begin with the new features and updates with reinforcement. I will begin with the Bending Details which will be especially useful for non-standard rebar shapes. Here in the UK United Kingdom we only tend to detail non-standard shapes and only show these details in the bending schedule, but I know that other countries have a requirement for bending details on all rebar.

Bending Details are created as true vector geometry and, as such, will update and change automatically if the host rebar is amended.

Built-in asset library: Architects and landscape designers using Revit 2024 no longer need to search for models or materials over the Internet. You can sync perspectives, materials, models, and lights from Revit to D5. Later changes made in Revit can also been synced in real time. Other advanced features include:.

In Revit 2024: Building pads are gone.

Instead, Autodesk recommends using the Massing tool to create void geometry. These tools are more complex and potentially more confusing than building pads, but they allow you to create more complex shapes. In this example, we create a void shape for a parking driveway. You could also use the model in-place tool, but uh... Overall, this is probably for the best... In Revit 2024: Each toposolid type can have different kinds of topography contours.

In the type properties of a toposolid, you need to click on Contour Display. You can decide to have a toposolid type with lots of contours. However, the contours are not visible when editing the points. And maybe you want a water toposolid without any contours. In this example, the toposolid is cut to accommodate the foundation wall and footing. The volume of the toposolid accurately reflects the substraction of the these elements.

This can be use to create curbs. You cannot use this tool on subdivisions, or on very complex shapes. If someone from Autodesk is reading: please fix this! It would be great to place the slab edges on sub-division. Meanwhile, you can use the railings tool to create curbs. Since toposolids are similar to floors, you can switch the composition entirely and have lakes, concrete pads, and other site components while keeping the original topography points.

Be careful, though.

What’s new in Revit 2024 | Revit Tips #19

In Revit 2024: The templates have been reworked to include more “best practice” features. Autodesk Revit 2024 отлично подходит для личного использования или бизнеса вне зависимости от выбранного типа устройства. Чат внутри программы Revit 2024 имеет встроенный чат, который позволяет участникам команды общаться между собой без необходимости использования внешних мессенджеров или почты. I've done a few light searches but haven't seen any discussions or speculation about the new version of Revit. In Revit 2024, the add-in has been updated to reveal the full geometry of elements which are within the visible portion of the cropped view when the sectioning tool is disabled.

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Revit-2024: что нового для инженеров

Autodesk Revit 2024 — это мощный инструмент для проектирования и создания строительной документации. Here are the latest updates about what's new in Revit 2024 from the architects at BIMsmith. Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor. I've done a few light searches but haven't seen any discussions or speculation about the new version of Revit.

Feature Highlights

The nice thing is that the drawing area can be controlled separately. This is a really nice feature for those that like dark theme in the UX but still want the white background in the drawing area. You will find that some property boxes will still be in Light Theme. Autodesk will likely get to all of these properties boxes in future, but this is certainly a great start. This new visual style is in between Consistent Colors and Realistic. If there is no image applied to the material, the Texture visual style will simply use the RGB color on the graphics tab.

Add Multiple Views and Schedules You have always been able to drag one view from Project Browser to a Sheet, but now Revit has added the ability to do multiple at a time. Once you have all the views selected, you can drag them into the sheet. You can also do this from the View tab by selecting the View icon, which will open a window that will also allow you to select multiple views at a time. But, overall this is a really nice feature and a time saver. Resize All Schedule Rows We always like seeing schedule updates in new Revit releases and this one is a nice one.

Revit has added the ability to resize all rows in a schedule. This is going to be nice to quickly adjust the height of the rows all at once. One thing we did notice when we first turned on the feature for All rows is that it took the height of the smallest row in the schedule. In our case, it looked like nothing happened as the rows with larger heights were still the same size as before. A Color Book is a library or book of premade colors that can be quickly added to your material.

The new button has replaced the Pantone button on the Color window, but the nice thing is they added all the Pantone colors as Color Books so you will not lose anything. The one thing we do hope they add soon is a search bar in the Color Books window.

In previous versions of Revit, you probably used railings to create curbs. In this version you can use Floor Slab Edge, but take into account that it can only be placed on the edge of the toposolid, the edge of subdivision is not supported.

Modernized and improved user interface Dark theme. Revit provides dark theme which allows you to set AutoCAD-style interface. The color of the main window can be set separately using Canvas Theme tool located in the View tab. My Insight panel.

At Revit Home you can find new My Insights panel. From here you can preview usage data and the most used commands, and find out how to optimize workflows. The icons look more modern. New sample project imperial only.

Snowdon Towers, a mixed-use building model that you can use as an example and learning resource. The sample project includes seven Revit files architectural, structural, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, existing facades, site and context. You can learn about scheduling, documentation, Scan-to-BIM for historic preservation, and multi-disciplinary design coordination. This complex sample model replaced a house that was a sample model for a very long time.

New Multi-discipline template imperial and metric. Single template file that replaces templates from previous versions. This improved template includes Views and Sheets set for multiple disciplines and coordination, legend views with symbols and text styles. Improved Project Browser.

The Project Browser is modernized and the Search bar is added. Resizable dialogs. Dialog windows can be resized. Project parameters are sorted alphabetically.

You can add prefix to the parameter name to sort it as you want.

A drop-down list for selecting a Type when creating or editing a Toposolid Toposolids are Type-based elements. See your contour lines as you work — Improving site design precision and accuracy, you can now view contour lines as you make changes to your surface. Smart extrapolation — And one more.

This is a real game-changer when designing sites with irregular shapes and boundaries. For more details about the Topography Tools for Toposolid read this post. We also added the option to customize your Assembly Tag family while editing the parameter settings. You can add specific elements or Assemblies to a Planting Region, and you can use the command to update existing Planting Regions.

You can use this parameter, for example, to tag the Planting Region, just as you would an Assembly. The Planting Region command provides additional flexibility by allowing you to select, within the command, which Views the Region will appear in.

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши в представлении, чтобы быстро открыть лист, на котором оно расположено. Размещение нескольких видов и графиков Несколько выбранных видов и графиков можно перетащить из браузера проекта на лист. Они располагаются на достаточном расстоянии друг от друга, чтобы не перекрывать друг друга, но после размещения их, скорее всего, придется корректировать вручную. Также можно перетаскивать виды с одного листа на другой в браузере проектов, как показано на рисунке 16, в этом случае виды располагаются в одном и том же месте.

Рисунок 15. Размещение нескольких видов на листе. Рисунок 16. Перемещение представлений с одного листа на другой. Порядок отображения 2D-элементов в 3D-семействах При добавлении 2D-элементов в семейства теперь можно управлять порядком отображения. Рисунок 17.

Элементы управления порядком отображения, добавленные в редактор семейств. Изменяемые диалоговые окна Существует более 20 существующих диалоговых окон, которые были усовершенствованы для возможности изменения размера. Несколько примеров: "Идентификаторы элементов выделения", "Начальный вид", "Вставка 2D-элементов" и другие. Рисунок 18. Пример диалогового окна с возможностью изменения размера. Сортировка параметров проекта в свойствах Теперь параметры проекта сортируются в алфавитно-цифровом порядке в диалогах свойств экземпляра и типа.

Параметры семейств не изменились по сравнению с предыдущим поведением. Архитектурная дисциплина Архитектурная дисциплина имеет несколько новых возможностей и порадует многих архитекторов и дизайнеров. Стиль представления «Текстуры» В Revit появился новый стиль представления под названием "Текстуры". Я был в бета-группе пользователей этого стиля. Он представляет собой нечто среднее между затененным и реалистичным. Он показывает текстуру внешнего вида объекта, но без глобального освещения, поэтому материалы имеют одинаковый цвет на всех поверхностях и под любым углом.

В этом режиме можно включить окружающие и солнечные тени, как показано в примерах ниже. Рисунок 19. Пример стиля просмотра текстур с включенными окружающими тенями. Рисунок 20. Пример стиля просмотра текстур с использованием блока сечений. Рисунок 21.

Вид наружного фасада в сравнении реалистичного и текстурного стилей тени от солнца включены. Настройки солнца на ленте При выполнении исследования солнечной активности настройки солнца теперь представлены на ленте, как показано ниже. При нажатии на кнопку настройки солнца открывается традиционный диалог настройки солнца с теми же параметрами. Еще одно усовершенствование включает возможность выбора гораздо более коротких вариантов увеличения времени. Рисунок 22. Настройки солнца теперь отображаются на ленте в режиме изучения солнца.

Рисунок 23. В солнечном исследовании теперь есть варианты с более коротким увеличением времени. Инструменты для работы с генпланом Взглянув на вкладку "Формы и генплан" ниже, вы заметите, что многое изменилось. Инструменты для работы с генпланом представляют собой самое значительное изменение в Revit 2024 для архитекторов, которое одновременно и радует, и немного пугает! Теперь у нас есть команда toposolid, а не toposurface. Как следует из названия, земля теперь представлена твердой геометрией, а не двумерной поверхностью.

Вот это и есть самое интересное. В ленте, расположенной ниже, отсутствует команда building pad, что является пугающей частью - я объясню это в следующем разделе. Рисунок 24. Сравнение инструментов сайта Revit 2024 с предыдущими версиями. Toposolid заменяет Toposurface Хотя элементы toposurface и building pads больше не доступны, они сохраняются при обновлении модели до Revit 2024. Эти элементы можно изменять и копировать.

Новые экземпляры создавать нельзя, так как команды исчезли.

Revit-2024: что нового для инженеров

Use the design-to-documentation engine of Revit to save time and improve design quality when modeling landscape and site conditions. Save time in concrete detailing. Structural engineers and rebar detailers have new capabilities for creating, scheduling, and documenting rebar. Use the new bar bending details to: Create reinforcement drawings and schedules with detailed fabrication instructions. With this new tool in Revit, when the model changes, the details adapt along with it. Add and customize rebar bending details so that your views and sheets respect your typical practice.

Overall, this is excellent news. However, there are a few quirks with the new site tools that I hope get resolved. There is also a new default template, a fantastic sample model, and UI improvements. Dynamo and the Dynamo Player keep getting better. Finally, there are dozens of small changes to improve the usability of various tools. This post covers General and Architecture features. Specific MEP and Structure improvements are mentioned, but the complete notes are available on Autodesk blog post. Toposurface have been killed and replaced by Toposolid. The Subregion tool has been replaced by Sub-Divide. The way you create site elements is completely different. The following pages are going to cover these significant changes. What if floors and toposurfaces had a baby together? The new toposolid tool works in a very similar way to floors. First, you need to sketch an extrusion boundary with purple lines. Then, you can modify the Sub Elements in a similar way to Roofs and Floors. Add points at specific heights to create the slopes. The points contextual menu is a bit different from the standard floors and roofs you are used to. This new menu has actually been available since Revit 2023. When adding a point, you can either pick Along Surface or Absolute Height. This tool now works with concave site shapes.

The new sample model, Snowdon Towers, is a mixed-use development that includes residential, commercial and retail space. The model is highly detailed and demonstrates best practices for modeling, documentation, and collaboration. It includes seven linked models, phasing and design options , and a detailed site model created with the enhanced tools from this release. Dark mode applies to all primary UI elements, such as ribbons, palettes, dialogs, and main menus. The canvas viewport background will also be automatically set to a dark or light color based on your UI selection. But not really, because the dark theme does not cover the secondary menus yet. Hopefully this will be fixed in one of the next hotfixes for this release. I find that the new icons and the dark mode make the interface a lot clearer and easier to use. The TopoSolid tool allows you to create site elements that have depth and thickness, unlike the TopoSurface tool, which only created flat surfaces. The TopoSolid tool works similarly to the floor tool. You first sketch an extrusion boundary with magenta lines, then you can modify the sub-elements by adding points at specific heights to create slopes. There are six site solids to choose from in the type selector.

Thus, real-time rendering provided by D5 Render comes in handy for an instant preview of design projects. It has a livesync plugin to connect with Revit 2024 so that designers can see their projects rendered on the fly. Animation: Walkthrough animations provide a virtual tour of the building, allowing viewers to experience the space from a first-person perspective and get a sense of its scale, layout, and functionality. Revit designers can easily make an animation for their projects, delivering design ideas more effectively to clients.

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